Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, November 2, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

In the evening, Our Lady appeared at the usual time and gave me this message:
My children, how happy I am to see you praying. Pray more. The family that prays united, remains united to my Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus. Always pray united.
The peace of Jesus to all of you. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen See you soon!
Our Lady appeared very happy. She appeared accompanied by my brother Quirino. He was holding Our Lady's right hand. She appeared just like Our Lady of Grace. She shed lights from her hands on all of us.
Then two Angels came down from Heaven. One stood to Our Lady's right and one to the left. It was St. Michael and St. Gabriel. I asked St. Michael to protect and bless us, and he raised his hand holding a sword, which passed over us. Then I asked St. Gabriel to bless us, and he raised his hands and prayed over us.
Soon after, I saw Our Lady who was in purgatory saving souls. Our Lady was extending her hands to the souls in purgatory and they were going up to Heaven. They were being saved by our prayers. These souls later appeared at our side praying with us. The Virgin said to me:
Your brother sends his regards, and misses you, but not the longing of being away from you, for he has always been close to you, but the longing of one day seeing you beside him in Heaven.
When Our Lady showed me purgatory I saw it as a grayish and dark place, kind of gloomy. There is also a purifying fire there. Souls suffer in their anxiety to one day be in God's presence and behold His face. Our Lady made me see three types of purgatory. One that is closer to heaven, another closer to the middle, and the big one, which is the ugliest of all. In this last one, the souls suffer more and want to leave, not because they want to be with God, but because they don't want to suffer those terrible punishments. I didn't see much difference between this purgatory and hell. There were many different ways of purification there. Our Lady explained it to me by saying,
The least suffering in this purgatory is like the greatest sufferings in the world happening to you at the same time, all at once. This is the purgatory where the souls suffer the most, and you and your brothers, with your prayers are the ones who can help them free themselves from this place of great suffering and purification.
When you pray for the souls in purgatory and say the prayer I taught you at Fatima : O my Jesus, deliver us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven and help especially those who are most in need of your mercy , you are helping these most forgotten and abandoned souls to free themselves from this terrible place of torment.
Teach your brothers to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially those most in need of divine mercy. Help these souls to go as quickly as possible to the glory of heaven, to help them with their intercession before the Throne of my Son Jesus and for the eternal salvation of many souls.
In purgatory they help you a lot with their prayers and sufferings, asking for your salvation and sanctification, but when they go to heaven and are contemplating God and interceding before His Divine Throne, their power of intercession will be even greater and more perfect. Release them to God by having mercy on them, by praying for them, and God will also have mercy on you and will never abandon you.
We can thus understand how the Church teaches us, when we learn in the catechism the spiritual works of mercy which tells us: pray to God for the living and the dead. We cannot stop praying for the deceased, but we must deepen our love for them. We show that we really love our neighbor by practicing the works of mercy to help him in his bodily and spiritual needs. "Whoever claims to love God and does not love his neighbor is a liar." "Let us not love in word only, but in deed and in reality." (1Jn 3:18)