Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, October 13, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber - Feast of the last apparition of Our Lady at Fatima

October 13 finally arrived, the day on which the Virgin promised to perform a miracle in Itapiranga, making many believe in her apparitions. Before this day, how many attacks and how many humiliations my mother and I had to go through and endure. Some people wanted to frighten me and make me change my mind and say that all this was a lie and an invention of mine and my mother. They said:
Don't continue with this story of apparitions. Are you sure that you really see and hear the Virgin? It is better that you say now that you are mistaken and that you have deceived others, than to continue with this and pass yourself off as a liar there in Itapiranga, because of this sign that will not happen. Are you sure that it will happen? Stop it. You have made a mistake. This is all lies. Can you imagine if this doesn't happen, what will become of you and your family?
Many of these conversations and criticisms I heard during these last days, before October 13. I saw that the devil was using these people to discourage me and contradict me, saying that I had been wrong and that it was all lies. But I would respond by saying,
I am not afraid, because Our Lady never lies and if she said she will give us a sign She will do as she said. And what's more, my mother and I are not lying. She shows up and will do as she said!
When we started the procession, Our Lady gave the sign on the sun. This danced and moved in the sky of Itapiranga. Many people who were with us saw this sign. Our Lady had promised us on this day a sign and she kept her promise, so that people would believe in her apparitions. The Sun began to shake, releasing various lights, red, orange, green, and many of those who went to the procession saw this beautiful scene and Our Lady inside the Sun represented in various ways. Our Lady of Aparecida, Our Lady of Nazareth, who is the patron saint of Itapiranga, Our Lady of the Rosary. There was also a cross inside the sun, a heart and Jesus. Others saw little stars coming out of the Sun. Our Lady this afternoon gave us the following message:
Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and your Mother. Pray, pray, pray a lot. Pray the holy rosary for world peace and an end to war. You remember today my last apparition in the poor Cova da Iria at Fatima, when I appeared to the three little shepherds. I tell you again: do not offend God Our Lord any more, for He is already much offended. Return to God by the way of conversion and penance.
The world offends the Lord a lot and behold, the great punishments are already about to happen.
Convert yourselves. Change your lives. Pray more. Live and listen to my messages more. Many of my children have abandoned prayer and this makes me very sad.
My little children, I chose this small town, to invite you to conversion. I cry tears of blood for all that is about to happen. Poor Rio de Janeiro... Poor São Paulo... I will shed many tears of blood for you. Come back to God. Love my Son Jesus.
I am your Heavenly Mother who loves you so much. Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart. Ask God to forgive you for your sins. Confess yourselves. Open your hearts.
What I predicted in the past is about to come true. I desire that all families, at noon, pray the holy rosary together, if possible. That they gather together for prayer and that they always have the holy candle lit in their homes. Those who do this will be saved and will have my special protection.
It is necessary that they repent of their sins and take a holy life. Do not be afraid. I will protect you from all evil. I love you and keep you in my Heart. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
In this message, Our Lady is calling us to prayer and showing us how important it is in a Christian family. Through prayer, so many evils and dangers are avoided and God's blessing and grace descend upon all families, warding off the calamities and chastisements that the world deserves today because of its innumerable sins.
The Virgin painfully mentioned the name of the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. At this time, they are the most sinful cities in Brazil, like a Sodom and Gomorrah. Many sad things will happen in these two cities and Our Lady asks God for reparation, beseeching His divine mercy for them.
Our Lady gave importance in this message also to a sacramental: the holy candle. Something that men of our time and even priests have forgotten to use, for lack of faith and devotion, not giving it its due value today. A lit candle in a Christian home is just a simple candle. But a lit candle in a Christian home, blessed by a priest, has another value, because it is blessed in the name of God and by the Church, representing His light and grace in every Christian home; showing us that we must be the light of Christ in this world to all our brothers and sisters who are in the darkness of sin and a life of complete denial of God. Let us know how much God loves us and through a blessed candle wishes to give us his protection by illuminating our homes with his light.
On 14. 10.95 - to Edson
Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Queen of the young, the Mother of God and your Mother. Pray, pray, pray a lot. Jesus has given each one of you a great grace today. Thank Jesus for all that he has given you.
I ask Jesus tonight for each one of you and I tell you: I love you with all my Heart. I desire very much your conversion. Always pray the holy rosary. The rosary will lead you to me and to my Son Jesus.
Jesus is your peace. Pray to him for the peace of the whole world. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!