Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, September 13, 1995
Message from Saint Gabriel the Archangel to Edson Glauber

Pray to the Virgin Mary Queen of peace, that She will give you Peace. Satan is wanting to destroy the plans of the Heavenly Mother. Pray, pray, pray. Pray many rosaries. Pray the rosary to destroy the devil's plans. Pray little children of the Lord. Pray always. Make sacrifices and offer them to the Good God and the Blessed Virgin for the conversion of poor sinners.
I, Saint Gabriel Archangel, invite you to go and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This is a request from the Virgin Mary. Love and honor her, as the Lord asks you
St. Raphael the Archangel appeared immediately afterwards and said:
I am Saint Raphael. Jesus wishes them to put into practice the request of the Virgin, to bring the holy bread and holy water to all the sick.
Saint Gabriel came to warn us about the fury of the devil in wanting to destroy Our Lady's plans. In fact, after the Virgin announced that she would come on October 13 and give us a sign, the devil began to use people who were easily allowed to fall into his clutches and weak in faith to attack us and speak lies about us to others. We began to receive various attacks and humiliations. This was to discourage us and drive us away from Itapiranga. At home, my father was getting worse and worse, because of drinking and drunkenness. It seemed as if the devil wanted to surround us from all sides and liquidate us, so that we would weaken in faith and give up everything. I remembered the words of the Virgin and trusted in all that she would do for us, for the people of Itapiranga and for our Amazonas, and this gave me courage. I thought of the souls that I saw suffering in hell and it came to my mind: Who knows if we give up everything how many souls will not go to that horrible place, because we did not help Our Lady and abandoned everything, out of cowardice and fear? This came very much to my heart and thus, I renewed my purpose in helping Jesus and the Virgin in the salvation of souls. And as I had promised them, whatever might happen and come, I would not betray them and abandon them for anything in this world.