Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, June 27, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

I wanted to tell you a message for my son, Pope John Paul II:
Dear children, pray for him. Love him. He is my beloved son and I his Mother, am at every moment protecting him with my mantle.
May my beloved son not be discouraged. May he go forward in his arduous mission. May he spread among the young people my peace and my love. May he bring to the young a very special love for my Son, Jesus Christ. To the Holy Father I extend my mantle and my hands are always upon him. From my Immaculate Heart I pour graces and more graces that will protect him from all the darkness that will surround him more and more in these decisive times of the battle between me and my adversary.
Little children, I beg you: pray a lot for the Holy Father. He needs your help and your prayers. Dedicate half of your prayers for him. Fast more for him, because he will have to carry a heavy Cross for love of you.
To all my children who pray for the Pope I extend my hands showering copious graces and blessings. Pray little children, pray more. The world needs to accept the message of conversion preached today by the First Beloved Vicar of my Son Jesus Christ, Pope John Paul II.
Everything he speaks comes directly from me and from the mouth of the Holy Trinity. He is loved in a special way by the three persons of the Holy Trinity: by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And I, his Immaculate Mother, present him to God our Lord, asking for his apostolic mission that is bringing great glory to God as there has never been during all the pontificates that have ever existed in the world and in the history of the Church.
He is the favorite son of my Immaculate Heart and the gift I give you for these decisive moments of dense darkness, who will enlighten and instruct you in the True Doctrine of the Catholic Church. Thank you for everything, little children. Thank you for everything. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On this same night, the Blessed Virgin said:
Children, Satan is loose in the world bringing doom to every child of the Lord. Help me. Pray, pray, pray. Do not let your hearts become cold and indifferent to these my appeals.