Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, May 2, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today is one year since the first apparition of the Virgin, here in the house to my mother. Many people met at the house, in the Dom Pedro neighborhood, for prayer and for the apparition of Our Lady. Our Lady arrived accompanied by many Angels. She was dressed in gold. She showed us the rosary just as she had done in her first apparition. Addressing me she spoke:
Peace be with you!
Dear children, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for the great honor and tribute you do to me, your Heavenly Mother. My Son Jesus, this evening, pours abundant heavenly graces upon you and is overjoyed to see you all here praying.
Little children, today is a great day, because it was on this festive day (May 2nd) that I, your Heavenly Mother, appeared to invite you to conversion. Pray, pray, pray. This is what I have asked of you and continue to ask this evening.
Dear children, Heaven is in celebration tonight. Thank you for your prayers. Pray very many times, especially the holy rosary with your heart. Open your hearts to God. He loves you very much. My Divine and Beloved Son Our Lord Jesus Christ, sends me here in this place to invite you to live a life of prayer and penance.
Convert yourselves little ones, convert yourselves! Heaven has great need of your collaboration in this conversion plan of mine. The Angels of the Lord are in a great battle, against the army of our enemy. Help the Heavenly Court with your prayers.
Little children, pray, pray, pray. Little children, live my motherly messages, I need your help and your cooperation, so that everything will be accomplished as I have planned. Pray more in this holy month of May. Do not leave prayer aside. Never abandon my Son Jesus Christ, who is alone waiting for you in the Blessed Sacrament. Go to visit Him and adore Him. Go to the Holy Mass. Do not leave the Holy Mass aside.
Little children, pray for the Holy Father John Paul II. The world needs to accept my heavenly messages, because the days in which you live are of great danger.
Little children, do not abandon prayer, but make an effort. If you do not pray, it will be difficult for you to be converted. Jesus and I love you and have placed you all within our Sacred Hearts.
In this month of May, spread to your brothers and sisters the devotion to our Sacred Hearts, which burn with love for all of you. Consecrate yourselves to our Sacred Hearts, and you will be guarded from all the dangers that are about to befall the whole world: sad and desolate things, to alert you that Jesus, my Beloved Son, is very sad and about to vent his Divine Wrath more strongly on all ungrateful sinners.
Pray, pray, pray little children! This year many things predicted by me in the past will come true. Pray a lot for Brazil. Brazil will suffer greatly if it continues to despise these Celestial messages of mine, which I have given in many places in this vast nation and throughout the world.
Dear children, pray, pray, pray. ¹I am your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of the Holy Rosary and the Queen of Peace. I am your Mother and I come to this place to invite you to prayer, conversion and penance, for I am very concerned about the fate of the world. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(¹) This part of the message the Virgin had asked me to tell Father Joseph, of the Parish of Santa Luzia. During the apparition I had asked my mother to throw holy water on the Virgin, because Father Joseph had asked me to do that when I saw her again. Only the Virgin had appeared so beautiful that I had forgotten all about it.
It was she who reminded me by saying, "Do as my beloved son asked you!.... At that moment I remembered his request and said to my mother, Throw holy water on the Virgin!.... My mother did as she was told and when she sprinkled the Virgin with holy water she said: If you are of God, stay, but if you are of evil, leave and never come back here again? I saw when the drops of holy water fell on the Virgin touching her. She became more luminous and beautiful than she already was and her Immaculate Heart appeared and spread many rays of light over the people present. The Virgin said three times: "Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ! And we responded: "May he be praised forever! This priest, Father Joseph, was the first one who guided and accompanied me.
The day before this apparition I had gone to talk to him. He attended to me and very attentively listened to my account of the apparitions of the Virgin. Before leaving he told me: When you see the vision again throw holy water on it... I answered him that I had already done this, when one day my sister Glayse doubted a lot and said that it was the devil who was appearing to me and my mother. He asked me: "And what happened?" I answered him: "Our Lady smiled and stretched her hands downwards as represented in the image of Our Lady of Grace and said: "I am the Immaculate Conception! Father Joseph was surprised when I told him this, but asked me to do again as he had commanded me. I answered him: "Yes, Father. I will do as you wish, because it is a priest who is now asking me. Then I will return to tell him what happened. When I returned with him again and told him what the Virgin had told me and what had happened, he answered: Bring all the messages that you and your mother receive. I will help you by telling you how to do it. He was the friend of the current bishop of Itapiranga. At that time, Dom Carillo was only a priest. Today he is a bishop. Father José helped me when God wanted. Everything I spoke to him, he listened attentively and guided me. When I returned home it was as if I were recharged with new strength and courage. I could see how God works through a spiritual director and how much he illuminates the soul of the one who lets himself be guided by him. I felt the presence of the Virgin so strong that it seemed as if I was going to explode, because I felt as if I were a balloon filled to the last limit. I knew that what I was feeling was the grace and light that God was giving my soul, because I was being obedient to his orders and to the priest. God loves obedience very much. Whoever is obedient will always have his divine help and even in the greatest trial of life will never despair, because God will help this faithful soul.