Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, March 8, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, pray, pray, pray. Do not close your hearts, but open them. Jesus wants to conquer you entirely for Himself. Give your lives to Him. Know dear children, that Jesus is very sad when you seek His Divine Presence in places that are not suitable to find the True Light.
My Son Jesus left the Divine Truth to be proclaimed only by His ministers and by His Church, which is the Roman Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church you will not find the True Light, for all other religions founded come from the part of my enemy, who is also your enemy, who invented them to confuse the little faith you are about to lose.
Little children, increase your faith. Don't lose it. Do not allow Satan to deceive you with doctrines that do not come directly from my Son Jesus. Do not give in, my children. I, your Mother, am very worried, because there are many who deny the True Church, founded by my Son Jesus, exchanging it for a false ideology that will never lead them to Him. How many of my children who have denied my Son Jesus will fall forever in hell, because they have wasted so many graces from His Divine Heart that loved them so much, to the point of wanting to stay in the species of bread and wine, in the Consecrated Host. Oh, how it hurts to see that my beloved children have not yet known how to value this great gift that God has given them. Many receive my Divine Son Jesus in mortal sin, without having confessed, thus causing Him great suffering, which He suffers with so many sins and sacrileges. Confess little ones, confess yourselves, for confession purifies you. The smallest sin can harm you in your spiritual life, so free yourselves from the smallest sin.
Jesus today asks you for confession. In this Lent, prepare yourselves more in confession, penance and prayer, by going to Mass to receive my Son Jesus, who waits for you every day to pour out copious graces on each one of you. I, the Lady of the Holy Rosary, the Queen of Peace, Mother of God and your Mother, tell you: I love you with an infinite love that you can never understand. I place you all under my Immaculate and Virgin Mantle and I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.