Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, February 28, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I love you and I am your Mother, Mother of the humble, Queen of Peace and Mother of Brazil.
Today, dear children, I come again to call you to conversion.
Little children, open your hearts to my Son Jesus Christ. Today, on this night, Jesus invites you to live and to listen more and more to His Holy Word.
My children, in the Holy Gospel is found the purest Truth, coming from God. Read the Holy Scriptures every day. Have faith in what the priests, my beloved children, teach you, because they possess the true knowledge that comes directly from the Holy Roman Catholic Church, founded by my Son Jesus, who has as the cornerstone and head of the Church the Holy Father John Paul II.
Little children, all that my son, Pope John Paul II teaches comes directly from the mouth of my Son Jesus. The Pope represents my Divine Son in this world. He who denies the Pope, is denying my Son Jesus. And he who listens to the Pope, listens to my Son Jesus.
Pray little children, pray. Do not leave prayer aside. Pray the holy rosary a lot, my children, because the holy rosary drives Satan away from you. Satan hates all those who pray the holy rosary, because he can do nothing to them, because they are all protected under my Immaculate mantle. Thank you little children for all your prayers. Do not leave the precious time to converse with the Heavenly Father in prayer aside, to exchange it with the things of the world that do not bring you joy.
Pray together and as a family. Don't let the precious moments of family intimacy pass you by, because God wants to pour out countless graces on each one of you, as well as on your whole family. I am always here, represented by this little image of mine, to bless you and to place you all within my Immaculate Heart. Do not let the graces pass you by. Come my children, receive them. Call all my children to prayer. Do not retreat. I need your help.
I, the Mother of Perpetual Help, will help you, because I, your Heavenly Mother, want all of you under my Immaculate Mantle. Thank you, little children, for everything. Thank you for your willingness to come here tonight to listen to this little maternal message of mine. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.