Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, February 17, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I love you with a great love. I am your Mother, Queen of Peace and Patroness of Brazil. Today, dear children, pray for your dear Brazil. Open your hearts to the Lord. Be totally of my Son Jesus!
Dear children, I am your Mother. I never let you out of my sight. I am always beside you, even in difficulties and sufferings. Give yourselves totally into my Hands, so that I can present you all to the Lord, my Beloved Son Jesus Christ.
Jesus sends me here today, so that I can speak to you and give you a message, which is for all those who love me: consecrate yourselves daily to my Immaculate Heart and pray the holy Rosary every day. And at the end of your lives, when you have to go before the Father, I will ask a lot for you, for your eternal salvation.
Thank you little children for all you do for me and for my Son Jesus. Thank you for the love you have shown to me.
Little children, have faith in God and a lot of patience in your daily life. Carry your crosses with love and true joy! Jesus is at your side to help you on your daily journey. Jesus asks you this evening to give yourselves more and more to prayer.
Pray the rosary and you will be able to overcome it. I am the Mother of Perpetual Help. I never abandon my children, not even the most sinful. All of you are little flowers for me, which every day I water with the graces taken from my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. I love you little children! I love you very much! Why don't you love me as you should? Why are you still so ungrateful to me, your Heavenly Mother? But no matter, even so, I love you with all my Heart. I bless you all this evening: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.