Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, February 14, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil

The world needs many prayers and sacrifices! Our Lord is about to send a flood of punishment and I no longer know how to stop it, to prevent it. Pray, pray, oh dear children! Do not offend anymore Our Lord God who is already very offended. Ask God for forgiveness for your faults and He will forgive you. My Immaculate Heart is distressed, to see, that there are few who are listening to these maternal appeals of mine.
How it hurts My Heart! My children are so ungrateful to Me and to My Son Jesus. Pray, O children, for an end to ingratitude. Do not offend the Lord that by too much you are offending Him. I am here as the Mother of Grace and Mercy to help you walk the road that is long to be traveled, until you reach the Lord.
I am the Queen of Peace, your Mother and the Mother of God. Pray the Rosary every day, so that the world will definitely find the peace it so desperately needs. Visit Jesus more often, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Don't despise so many graces. Make an effort to receive more and more of them, through prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Jesus wants to give you, in these last days, many graces, so go to him so that you can receive them. My Immaculate Heart is your safe refuge that will lead you to God, and the safe shelter for the stormy and terrible days that you will have to go through in the days to come. Open your hearts to the Lord and ask Him to renew you totally by the Force of His divine Spirit, so that you may have the strength to overcome every temptation that the enemy throws at you at every moment.
I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary and the Queen of Peace. She who one day will crush with all the Strength and Glory of God, the head of the infernal serpent. Satan is nothing compared to Me and My Son Jesus. I will destroy him like a vile and poisonous insect. My virginal feet will crush all his pride and all his pride. Therefore, brave little children, I am here to protect you from this enemy, who is worthless. Pray and you will have the strength to overcome him. Pray especially the holy rosary, so that all his plans will be destroyed. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Glory to the Lord!
In the evening, the Blessed Virgin came again and said,
I am the Virgin of the poor!
It is necessary that you spread my messages, as quickly as possible!
She was very distressed and sad and had tears in her eyes.