Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, January 21, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I love you and today I invite you once again to prayer. Little children, pray the holy rosary a lot, because the rosary protects you from the enemy and leads you to peace. Pray the holy rosary every day for the peace of the world and an end to war. Pray more for the unity of families, because satan in these confusing days you are living in, attacks many families causing quarrels, misunderstandings and many divorces. Pray that his plans will be destroyed.
My dear children, how much love I have for each one of you and how much I love you. The Lord wants each of you to come even closer to my Immaculate Heart, so that I can guard and protect you from Satan's attacks. Consecrate yourselves, little children, to my Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus. Let your consecration be from the heart, so open your hearts to me. Take refuge in my Immaculate Heart. Always pray the consecration that my children have taught you. To those who consecrate themselves to me I promise to intercede before my Son Jesus for their salvation. Draw near to the Eucharist my children. Read the Holy Bible and make sacrifices for sinners. Ask and beg My Son Jesus for their conversion and pray with Me. Let's unite our prayer, to save the souls of sinners. I enjoy praying with you very much. I always join in your prayer when you invite me to participate in it. I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of God, the Mother of sinners and your Mother. Pray, pray more. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.