Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, January 15, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil - Feast of the apparition of Our Lady in Banneaux

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I love you and I have you all within my Heart and under my mantle. I am the Queen of Peace, the Queen of Brazil and the Virgin of Nazareth, Patroness of your city.
Dear children, hurry up. Convert yourselves as quickly as possible, for the time you have to convert is ending.
Dear children, I am your Mother, so do not hurt my Immaculate Heart with your doubts. Pray with your heart, little children. Help me, dear children, do penance for sinners, because many souls are in danger of being eternally lost, because there is no one to sacrifice and pray for them. Pray the holy rosary every day for your brothers who are on the path of sin, and for yourselves.
Little children, I beg you: listen and live what I ask each one of you, otherwise many souls may fall into hell. My children, I still see many sins in you, so go to confession. Purify your souls, little children. Go to Holy Mass with a pure heart. Prepare yourselves beforehand, with prayers and contrite souls, so that you may be ready to receive my Son Jesus, who is in the Holy Eucharist.
Little children, leave behind the vices of the world. Renounce smoking, alcohol, and television programs, especially. Know, dear children, that it is Jesus who asks this of you, and I, as His humble servant, come to bring you His message. That mothers should bring their children to pray the rosary, and that every family should pray the holy rosary together. I leave you a very urgent and troubling message: convert as soon as possible. You don't know what God will send to the world if there is no conversion. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(¹) Our Lady warns us about the danger of the vices of the world. How many are slaves of addictions and of the devil. The renunciation of smoking and alcohol makes our souls more open and free to welcome God's words and holy teachings. Many are not aware of this. Many go to Church, seek the priest and go to confession, freeing themselves from their sins, but not freeing themselves from the vices that their souls desire and love so much. These disordered passions are great imperfections that destroy the holiness of our souls.
" The difference, between one who loves the truth and one who despises it is as follows. The person who lives in the darkness of mortal sin despises the truth. Such a person despises everything that God loves, and loves what God despises. Now, God despises sin and the inordinate pleasures of the world. But the person with attachment feeds on the misery of the world and corrupts himself in whatever social position he is in... Therefore, we see that people attached to this world, the lovers of lies, suffer a lot during their lives and in the end receive atrocious torments. Why? Because God has allowed every disordered attachment to be unbearable to himself." (Catherine of Siena, Saint, 1347-1380. Complete Letters, p.624;625, St. Paul: Paulus, 2005 ( Spirituality)