Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, January 10, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I love you and I have you in my Heart. My Heart is happy to see you here praying. I am the Queen of Peace, the Queen of the World, the Patroness of your city, the Virgin of Nazareth.
Dear children, my Heart breaks in pain for all those of my Children who are indifferent to my appeals that I make throughout the world and now here in this city.
Dear children, pray the holy rosary every day for the conversion of sinners and for the peace of the whole world. Open your hearts to the Lord. Give your past to him. Confess more often. To everyone gathered here I make my great appeal: convert as quickly as possible, because the time you have is coming to an end.
My little children, pray for the priests. They are My beloved children. Know My children, that those who do not respect a priest, greatly offend My Son Jesus Christ.
I want to say a special message to young people. Renounce the things that the world offers you that does not bring you true joy and true peace. Dear young people, love my Son Jesus, for he loves you with a very special love.
Little ones, satan tries in every way to take you away from my Son Jesus by offering you transient joys like nightclubs, drugs, and impurity. Arm yourselves against Satan by praying the holy rosary. With the rosary you will defeat him, and only then, I will be able to help you. I bless all of you gathered here and this family that welcomes me. To her I say: pray the rosary, read the Bible, and spread my messages. Love my Son Jesus with all your heart. Be totally of Christ. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(¹) The Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John have put in writing a fundamental part of Jesus' teachings, but what about all the rest? "Jesus did many other things. If they were all written down one by one, I believe that even the whole world could not contain the books that would need to be written" (Jn 21:25)
The written part has therefore been transmitted all?...God has entrusted this duty to a social, perennial body, hierarchically constituted by Jesus himself, with special characteristics and powers for such a mission, with the guarantee of easily recognized external signs that are a point of an Infallible Church, communicator of the Divine Word and connected with an uninterrupted current (apostolic transmission) by Christ himself.
We can therefore affirm that the Christian religion does not - and could not - exist only abstractly, but must live and be incarnated in a concrete, visible society, which transmits and professes the doctrine of Christ, which teaches and observes his laws, which disposes of the same acts and permits the observance of such laws. Catholics affirm with certainty and without any hesitation: "This Church is ours, the Catholic, apostolic and Roman Church, instituted by Christ and founded on his successor Peter". But the Protestants claim that theirs is the true Church. And so do the Orthodox. Moreover, between these churches there is not only a difference of names, but of dogmas, of precepts, of doctrine, of worship and of government. For this reason, only one can be the true Church, which automatically excludes all others - because the Truth is one.
Divine Origin and Visibility of the Church - The divine origin and visibility of the Church constitute a truth of faith that the Catholic must never forget. Jesus Christ, founded the Church; this Church is essentially and necessarily visible so that in every time and by everyone it can be easily recognized as the true Church of Christ.(Appunti su Verità naturali e di fede - PSERICO, Flavio; SAVINO, Tamanza, Edizione Kolbe,2008, p. 79;81)