Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 29, 1994
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Our Lady, in an apparition asked my mother that we take to Itapiranga an image of her that was to accompany us in the prayers with the people, while we did not have one that precisely defined the apparition that occurred on May 2. After a few days, she again returned to ask us to fulfill her request and not to delay too long in fulfilling it:
You should soon go to the city of Itapiranga and invite the people of the city to the day of the arrival of the image of Our Lady Queen of Peace. Communicate beforehand to the priest and tell him everything. Then he will tell Monsignor Jorge, the bishop. (N. Sra. a Maria do Carmo)
Jesus said to my mother:
I am meek as a lamb, but in the hour of earnest I am severe. Prepare yourselves for the Feast of Manna. Thus comes the food from Heaven!
This is a message that concerns the graces that God should pour out in Itapiranga. The Manna that Jesus tells us about are his holy messages that should be communicated in abundance to the people of Itapiranga, as to the world. But also, it means future events that are to come upon the world, very soon.
Our Lady appeared to my mother and told her a very important message regarding what should happen in Itapiranga, expressing in a clear way what God wants to do in that place:
I and my Son Jesus have chosen this family: your family, to call the people to pray more here in Manaus and there in the city of Itapiranga.
The city of Itapiranga will still be a Holy city, if everyone prays! What happened there in Fatima in the year 1917 could happen here. The enemy is trying to reign in this city: but he will not succeed.
How kind Our Lady is. She is full of love for humanity, that is why she came here in the Amazon, to help us and lead us along the path that leads to her Son Jesus.