Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, May 13, 1994
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Our Lady appeared to my mother and spoke to me. She said to me on this day:
I wish to be known as the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, for I want to show you all that it is with the recitation of the rosary that the world will find peace. This is why I have come here in the Amazon as the Queen of the Rosary and Peace. Peace, peace, peace! Pray for peace!
Pray a lot. Pray! I need you, to be a light to your brothers. The world is like a glass ball. If I let go of it and drop it, it breaks and destroys itself. So is the world. I am holding it, but it is becoming full of sin and I cannot hold it any longer, because it is becoming too heavy because of the sins committed daily today. If I let go of it, it will be destroyed by sin! I am the Queen of the World. Pray to save the souls that are in danger of going to hell. This family that I have chosen is very dear to Me, but it has to pray much more. It has to pray at least the rosary every day: starting with the parents. (Our Lady to Edson)
Our Lady appeared holding in her hands a globe, which represented the world. In this apparition she wanted to show all of us that she is the Queen of the world, and that she constantly intercedes to God asking for the conversion of humanity and its salvation.
This is one of the important and very significant apparitions of her maternal mediation for the fate of all her unfaithful and ungrateful children towards God. In this apparition she called my family's attention to prayer, so that we could understand the plans that God had over her.
From my Heart are rays of grace for all of you. Pray a lot to comfort the
Heart of my Son Jesus . (N. Senhora to Edson)
Another important apparition in which the Virgin reveals that the heart of her Son Jesus needs to be comforted, because sin is so much in the world. And she reveals to us that through her Immaculate Heart we can receive the graces that will help us to be faithful to Jesus and to console him by doing his holy will.
My army is being formed. I am going one by one, knocking on hearts. Opening them and preparing them for my Son Jesus. Open your hearts now, because my Son is already coming to be with you! (Our Lady to Edson)
Today my mother saw Our Lord in the living room of the house, who was showing her a river of crystal clear water. Jesus was blessing the waters of this river. My mother understood that this river is the grace that Jesus wishes to bestow on the Amazon and the world through the apparitions of Our Lady. This river came from the place where Our Lady appeared for the first time. This place is a source of graces from heaven. Every place where Our Lady appeared and appears is this source of grace for all humanity.
My mother saw Our Lord who was showing her His Sacred Heart. Inside the Heart of Jesus, my mother saw a cross. Not on top, but inside it. Jesus asked my mother to sing the song known in the Church: "On my chest I carry a cross, in my heart what Jesus said!"... my mother sang to Jesus this song.
My mother had a vision of heaven when she was in her room at dawn. My mother was sleeping and woke up with the voice of Jesus calling to her:
Come, Maria do Carmo, come and dwell in the valley of the shadow of my hill that I have prepared for you! It took a long time, but you made it. Come, Maria do Carmo!
My mother saw a very beautiful place, a greenish field with beautiful flowers with indescribable colors. Jesus was standing, dressed in white, showing her this place and calling her to come to him. My mother understood that this place was heaven and the place Jesus had prepared for her. But for her to conquer this place, my mother must fulfill and live all that Jesus and Our Lady will ask of her in this world.
My mother saw Our Lady sitting on a staircase of a very beautiful place, as of a great shrine, dressed all in blue, with her hands together praying, just like the picture of the Queen of Apostles that is in the chapel of our Parish in the Don Pedro neighborhood. In front of her, many children were playing and smiling. In the middle of these children was my brother
Quirino. Our Lady told my mother that she takes care of the children of every father and mother in heaven when they die early and that all these little children are always close to her.
Children, read my messages. Our Lord is greatly grieved because of your sins. Do not sin anymore. Confess yourselves! (Our Lady to Edson)
Again the Virgin calls our attention to sin, which continues to grieve her Divine Son, and asks us to put a definitive stop to it, teaching us the way of penance, with the confession of our sins.
Be humble as I am humble. I want you to pray the rosary every day in preparation for my feast. Open your hearts. Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you. (Our Lady to Edson)
In this apparition she asked us to pray to the Holy Spirit. Only he can enlighten us and help us to understand what he wants from us.
My Heart is open to all of you. Accept it! These are the graces I pour out on all my children who beg for them.
Our Lady has shed from her holy hands rays of light.
Turn off the television. Don't watch any television. Nothing good is on television today. Pray a lot. Pray the rosary, because the world needs a lot of prayer. Pray and do penance. Pray the rosary, if possible, every day on your knees for a week. You need to do penance for your sins. You need to listen to my messages more. (Our Lady to Edson)
Prayer, sacrifice and penance! Pray the rosary every day for the peace of the world and the end of war. I am the Queen of Peace! Look at my Son Jesus nailed to the cross. He died for love of you. Sin no more. Confess your sins! (Our Lady to Edson)
Mercy. Ask Jesus for mercy for the world. The world needs a lot of mercy. Pray the rosary of mercy every day. (N. Senhora to Edson)
I am the way, the truth, and the life. If you must obey the father and mother of the earth, how much more must you obey the Father and Mother of Heaven. I am the Lord, your God. Pray a lot. I love you. Do not forget my mercy. I am good. I don't have the heart to do you any, any harm, because I love you. (Jesus to Edson)
My Heart is broken because of the sins and thorns that ungrateful men hurt me every moment, especially, because of the blasphemies said against my Mother. But it is consoled by all of you who are here in prayer. More souls fall into hell at night than during the day. Many are eternally lost in hell because of the sins of the flesh! (Jesus to Edson)
I am the most merciful of fathers. Many people feel pressured when I talk about confession. They are not supposed to be like that! Like a mother who sees her children dirty with mud, feeling affection and love in wanting to clean them and to see them clean, so am I when I see you fall into sin. I want to clean you when you get dirty with sin. But I can only do this in Holy Confession, because I love you and want to see you all pure and clean. (Jesus to Edson)
One day, my mother, being very obese suffered from severe back pain. She went to the doctor and the doctor told her that she should lose weight by going on a strict diet. My mother could not follow this diet and suffered even more pain. On 18/05/94 she was suffering a lot from these pains and said to the Blessed Mother:
tell me what I need to do to lose weight,
You have to eat little and work hard, because gluttony is a mortal sin. All fat people have the sin of gluttony!
My mother understood that she had to work harder and control herself in her eating.
In June, the Vicar Mary said to my mother,
To my daughter Rosa flor and other mothers: every mother without a husband, her husband is Jesus. It is to Him that this mother should ask for help. He alone will help her. This mother or this woman is playing the role of man and woman at the same time. Not that she is man-woman, it is not that. Her job is redoubled and that is the way it should be. The children will be very grateful one day and Jesus much more.
The eldest son or daughter, or mother, brother or a friend, should help her. Disobedient children, these, should put to prayer on their knees. It is a form of punishment and penance. If possible, stay on your knees with them, or have them observe if they are obeying. Only then will they become as good as they should be, and as angels, if you want to please them better. My daughters and sons, act fast! For all mothers and sons in general. Amen.
My mother had a vision of Our Lady with the Little Angels, just like how she is represented in the Cathedral of Manaus, as the Immaculate Conception. Our Lady was in the midst of the little angels, wearing a blue mantle and a white robe. She was looking at my mother while she was praying the rosary.