Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I tell you solemnly, the woes of the world have increased and intensified in the form of moral degradation, violence and terrorism - all because My Heart is not allowed dominion over the heart of the world. The god of free-will choices has overpowered common sense and decency to the point of no life being safe and salvation not a common consideration."
"You have politicians lying their way into office and promoting agendas contrary to the Commandments. All of this is the bad fruit of souls not discerning good from evil. You cannot leave this discernment to others. Each one must choose according to God's Law and promote publicly his choices."
"I am not sent here* by My Father for My welfare but for the common good. I come to show you the Light of Truth so that each one can follow the path of salvation without stumbling. Corruption and decadence must be brought to light in order for the Truth to come to light. Pray for the courage to do so."
* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
Source: ➥