Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – 3:00 P.M. Service
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)
Our Lady comes in white and gold. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
She has tears glistening in Her Eyes.
"I am happy My children have gathered here to pray at My Request."
"I am responding with My Grace at this site* as a fruit of the many prayers and sacrifices My children have offered here for the heart of the world. Please understand that Jesus does not call you here for My benefit but for the welfare of all humanity and, in particular, for each one who comes! It is not My Intention to impress those who oppose us with great numbers of people who flock here. Yet, I do pray for all to respond with love and expectant faith to My Invitation to come in pilgrimage and to witness My Presence here."
"I will withhold nothing if you ask with Holy Love in your hearts. Remember, expectant faith does not seek proof, but believes in what it cannot control or make happen through human efforts. Expectant faith is the good fruit of trust."
"God answers each prayer in His Way - in His Time."
"Dear children, I have come, once again, to remind you of the precipice that the heart of the world is teetering upon. There are clearly two paths open to the future. One is the continued disregard for God's Will and the moral degeneration it leads to. The other is the desire to please God, keep His Commandments and pursue God's Will in every way. You must not wound the Mournful Heart of My Son anymore through the abuse of authority and the compromise of Truth. His Justice is already greatly antagonized and provoked."
"If you continue to destroy life in the womb through the compromise of Truth, you will ultimately destroy yourselves and the world as you know it! The technology God has given you - DNA - proves you are destroying human life. Even those devoted to the intellect must concede to this Truth. The hope of this nation and of the world is not in man-made peace agreements, which are constructed upon untruth and guile, but in the reversal of abortion represented as a legal alternative to life."
"Dear children, today I would like to describe to you a world without the horror of legalized abortion. In such a world, all life from conception to natural death would be respected. God's Will would, once again, take precedence over the free will of man. Great leaders - political and religious - would be born into the world instead of being sacrificed on the altar of abortion. There would be more respect for human existence; therefore, violent crimes would be drastically reduced. The difference between good and evil would be more clearly perceived as mankind would place God, once again, in dominion over the heart of the world. The Truth would come to light where it has laid hidden."
"But these things cannot happen while the unborn continue to be sacrificed as in the days when I appeared at Guadalupe. Then, the world was uncivilized and barbaric. Today, it is no different except that you have had the privilege of knowledge between good and evil. Back in the days of Juan Diego, My Apparitions were accepted as true by the Bishop and many came to believe."
"Here this is not so. Everything has been done - openly and behind the scenes - to discount Heaven's intervention at this site. A great miracle was performed at Guadalupe in the form of My Image. Here, it cannot be so because of so little faith. Even Jesus did not perform great miracles in His native town due to the lack of faith (Matthew 13:58). The miracles that abound here on an individual basis are not investigated and are summarily dismissed."
"The execution of God's Grace is perfect towards each one's salvation. No one who comes to the property or reads the Messages** remains the same."
"I have given you here at this apparition site all you need to believe and to convert. I call you into the Light of Truth. Do not persist in your quest for others to agree that this is from Heaven and authentic. Some, during their lifetime, may never recognize the Truth. In this persistence of disbelief, they have discouraged countless graces."
"The great miracle that some seek as proof of the reality of Truth here is the spirituality given forth in these Messages and in the fact that this Mission*** exists despite all the calumnies, detractions and power plays against it. Each soul who journeys here will find what he needs - a refuge from the foe - if he enters My Immaculate Heart. Individual miracles of conversions and healings will continue to abound. These will matter little on the grand scale in a world that does not even acknowledge the miracle of life in the womb, however."
"I began this Message by describing to you the bounty of graces that come with expectant faith. I end by warning the world populace that you cannot continue in your lack of faith in Holy Love and expect God's Blessings upon your future. I am calling each of you back into God's Will where you will find peace and security. Your faith in Holy Love is your vehicle of salvation. These days it is challenged on all sides. Seek the protection of My Immaculate Heart by invoking Me under the title of Mary, Protectress of the Faith. That is the key to My Immaculate Heart. I will promptly defend your faith against the foe."
"Today, My concerns reach far beyond this Ministry which has been so misunderstood, misrepresented and maligned. My Concern is for every one of My children adrift on a sea of abuse of authority and compromised Truth."
"My Immaculate Heart must be the anchor that holds you to the Tradition of Faith. Sequential events will occur in the world which will try to pull you away from the Truth; but I have come to protect your faith and shelter you in the Refuge of Holy Love, which is My Heart. Have recourse to me."
"Dear children, today I invite you to be united with Me, your Holy Mother. Every day pray with Me, that the heart of the world recognizes the truth of the difference between good and evil. It is only in this way evil will be defeated in hearts and in the heart of the world."
"I'm taking every petition into My Heart today and carrying it to Heaven and I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
*** The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
Source: ➥