Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Feast of the United Hearts – 3:00 P.M. Service
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)
Jesus and Blessed Mother are both here. Then I (Maureen) see the United Hearts Image behind Them. Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." Blessed Mother nods Her Head. Jesus continues: "At Fatima, the children were told that in the end My Mother's Immaculate Heart would triumph. This will be a Triumph of Truth. Together, Our United Hearts will reign in Truth."
"This Triumph will not come until every evil agenda is exposed by the Light of Truth. It is then, the Heart of My Father will take up Its Dominion over the heart of the world. There will be a clear endorsement by Heaven as to the authenticity of every genuine apparition site, such as this one." *
"This Triumph will bring with it a lasting peace - a peace ordered and maintained by My Father - a peace based upon Truth. There will be no evil."
"These days, you are hard-pressed to comprehend all the effects of evil and even to recognize it. This is because Satan masquerades evil as good. He gains unprecedented support of sin using freedom of choice as his platform. When the Triumph of Our United Hearts comes, there will be no more controversies. All opinions will be united in Truth. Good will be united with good. Only then will mankind realize what an evil time in history this has been. Only then will mankind comprehend My Patient Mercy."
"Until the time of the Triumph of Our United Hearts, which will be marked by My Return, you will experience a grave time of adversity. Your faith will be severely tested, which is why I have sent you Mary, Protectress of the Faith. The way of your salvation will be obscured by rogue leadership, but I have given you Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. You will be hard-pressed to find and cling to the Truth. Therefore, I have given you the Seal of Discernment and the Blessing of Truth."
"This apparition site and these Messages are your preparation and strength for days ahead.** These hours of trial have already begun and are intensifying as I speak. I am telling you, do not fear any trial. I am with you and My Mother's Immaculate Heart is your Refuge. You are prepared if you have listened and believed. All of these devotions and graces I have given you are your ark of protection in the stormy days that lie ahead."
"As I have prepared each of you for these times ahead, you have the solemn duty of preparing others by spreading the devotions and knowledge of the graces offered here to as many as possible. You will suffer rejection, but not defeat, if you remain in My Mother's Heart."
"Today, I am entrusting the heart of the world to the Chambers of Our United Hearts. All will pass through these Chambers before joining Me in Eternity. Some will understand - others will not. No one can reach My Sacred Heart without first passing through the Heart of My Mother which is Holy Love.*** What a mistake on the part of modern theologians to downplay the role of My Mother whose Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem."
"Await the Triumph of Our United Hearts by preparing with the graces and devotions I have given you. Then your time of waiting will be peaceful - even joyful."
"My brothers and sisters, what you need most, more than anything else, is peace and security in the heart of the world, and this can only be found in Our United Hearts."
"I'm taking all of the people's petitions into My Mournful Heart today. Some will be answered immediately, others in time, still others will need to await the Will of My Father, and accept it. We're extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
* The ecumenical Ministry and Mission of Holy Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The Holy and Divine Love Messages from the ecumenical Ministry and Mission at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
*** Holy Love is the two great Commandments of Love - to love God above all else and to love neighbor as self.
Source: ➥