Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I tell you solemnly, consciences which are formed around Holy Love are deemed righteous in God's Eyes. These are the ones who embrace the Commandments and pursue the virtuous life. If Holy Love is not the basis of every virtue, then compromise sneaks in and begins its insidious destruction."
"The structure of compromise is always self-serving. The mentality is such as: 'I can get away with it; there will be no consequences; I deserve this, so I'll take - use - it.' This is why disordered self-love is such an enemy of the soul. Self-love, when it is inordinate, stresses some worldly reward. Holy Love seeks to serve God and neighbor."
"When a soul seeks holiness, but cannot purge himself of so much self-love, it is like this. Holiness is like a beautiful apple hanging high on the tree. The soul seeking holiness begins the climb, but compromise sneaks in. Halfway up the tree, the soul slips and falls - never to reach the 'apple' or holiness. The good news is he can always begin the climb over again."
"The soul must remember to use his guardian angel to give him a 'boost' in the right direction. It is grace that makes the 'apple' so appealing and delectable. Some walk by the tree and never notice it. Still others see the 'apple' but regard it as unattainable. Still others begin the climb but easily become discouraged. Each one's angel is ready and willing to help the soul in his efforts to reach the 'apple' of personal holiness."
"The tree is Holy Love and each branch is a virtue given to help the soul rise higher in his climb. The branches - the virtues - offer firm support if they are strong in Holy Love. The little birds that rest in the branches are your neighbors seeking your help, which you gladly give in Holy Love."
"You must hold on tightly to the branches or virtues as you climb towards your goal of personal holiness. Satan often blows a strong wind of compromise into the tree, hoping to make you slip and fall. A firm resolve to reach your goal and the help of your angel will enable you to hang on."
"Keep your eyes and your heart on the goal and climb ever higher towards it."
Source: ➥