Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love – 15th Anniversary
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"The Message I now impart to you, to be given on My Feast Day of Holy Love, is coming into the world as a Rose from Heaven. A rose has many layers. It has outer petals, and an innermost bud which opens to exude a beautiful fragrance."
"I, Myself, will give to you the outermost petals of this Rose - this Message. My Son will then give to you the essence - the most fragrant, the most poignant part of the Message. The Rose not only represents the Message, but also the Ministry. You will see why."
"The outermost petals of this Message and the Ministry display the controversy which envelopes the Ministry and the Messages themselves. Though they should be regarded as a thing of beauty, they are overlooked and misjudged. The pride of false discernment has focused on lies and not the Truth of these Messages and this spirituality."
"The Truth is the sweet fragrance of the entire Ministry; but many miss the innermost essence of Heaven's work here, for they see only controversy. My Son's public life was also controversial and He, too, preached Holy Love. The color of the outer petals of a rose are not as deep as the innermost bud. So, too, the outermost layers of the Ministry are often watered down by controversy."
"My Son will now speak:"
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Everything about this Mission is to draw the heart of the world into the Truth of Holy Love - just as the overall beauty of the rose draws the soul to smell the fragrance of the inner bud. All the Messages, miracles and healings are towards the end of worldwide conversion."
"Now the bud unfolds. The time approaches when Holy Righteousness will be regarded as a disgrace. There will be opinions and dictates from impressive personages given in My Name; but My Name will be used falsely. I am the Truth. My Name will be used to justify error."
"When I return I will gather unto Me those who live in the Truth of Holy Love. Not all who claim to speak in My Name live in the Truth."
"The essence of this bud, this Ministry, is to preach and propagate the Truth of Holy Love - no matter the controversies, calumnies and falsehoods perpetrated against it. These are all distractions, which try to lead the heart of the world away from its conversion in Truth."
"The beautiful fragrance of this Ministry reaches into eternity, and will be appreciated for generations yet to come. The essence - the fragrance of this Ministry - will prove to be not who believes or disbelieves, but the Truth of the Messages."
Blessed Mother says: "Today I come with words to complete the circle of the previous two Messages from Jesus and Myself. The outer petals of a rose, after all, encircle the whole rose."
"I invite you, My children, to realize that when you look at the beauty of a rose you regard the whole flower - not just the outermost petals. In doing so, you are able to enjoy the rich fragrance that arises from the center of the bloom."
"It is no different with this Mission. To really appreciate the value of what Heaven offers here, you cannot look at just the 'outer petals' which is all the controversy that swirls around the Mission. To enjoy the richness of this Mission, you must absorb the 'fragrance' of the 'inner bud' which is the spirituality of the Chambers of the United Hearts and the Messages themselves."
"Herein lies the rich fragrance - the inner beauty - that Heaven offers to you for your joy, your protection, and your guidance along the path of personal holiness. This 'fragrance' is Truth itself. Once you experience the richness of this 'fragrance', you will never want to leave its presence."
"Dear children, pray always that Holy Love takes up dominion over every heart, and thus the heart of the world."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Holy Love."
Source: ➥