Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, August 19, 2011
Feast of St. John Eudes; (A patron of this Mission)
Message from St. John Eudes given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Today, there is a priest here in a cassock. He says his name is St. John Eudes. He says: "Praise be to Jesus. I am a patron of this Mission. I have come to point out the direction mankind has chosen."
"These days humanity tries to correct evil with even greater evil. Take for instance, abortion. Pregnancies from illicit sex are terminated by the greater evil of abortion. Look at the idea of unity through the new World Order. This is only control - setting the stage for the Antichrist."
"The Blessed Mother's children - once devoted to Her - have often abandoned Her in search of some trendy form of worship. In doing so, they neglect the Mediatrix of All Grace whose Heart is the conduit of all good."
"But mankind foolishly rejects the tried and true in search of self-fulfillment and under the guise of social justice. When Heaven graciously tries to intervene, God's efforts are discounted as not true or unworthy."
"So, today, I am here at God's command - calling all people and all nations into the fold of Holy Love. Do not seek false gods - gods who encourage self-destruction and the murder of others. Do not worship the world or its allurements - money, power, popularity. Be united in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, which of Themselves, are united. It is only then you will have true peace."
Source: ➥