Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come to speak to you once again about truth. Truth is all that embodies and supports the Ten Commandments. Therefore, understand that the law of Holy Love, which is the expression and composite of the two great commandments--to love God above all else and neighbor as self--is Holy Truth."
"For the soul to determine if he is living in the truth, he must do some housekeeping in his own heart. This is not unlike cleaning out a refrigerator or sorting through a stack of papers. [He smiles.] You take everything aside and sort through it, evaluating its worth. In the heart of man, everything must be evaluated in the light of Holy Love before it is allowed space within the heart."
"A heart thus 'tidied up' in Holy Love is pleasing in My sight and is an abode of My Father's Divine Will. The 'clutter' of the world is no longer a part of his moment to moment decisions."
"Here, then, is a consecration prayer to the truth that can be recited daily:"
"Dear Jesus, I petition the Heart of Your Eternal Father to wash my poor heart in the cleansing water of His Divine Will. Show me anything in my heart which opposes Holy Truth, and help me to cast it out forever."
"I understand that all truth is based on Holy Love. Only through love and humility can I live in Holy Truth. Through this Truth, which I hope to abide in now, help me to accept any illumination of conscience You choose to send me. Amen."
"Please believe Me when I tell you this is an important prayer for these times. Whole religions, sects and governments are leading people astray with Satan's lies."
"Therefore, spare no effort in making this prayer and message known."
Source: ➥