Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field – Divine Mercy Sunday
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus is here as He is in the Divine Mercy Image. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Once again I come to address all people and all nations. During these tenuous times, it is the Father's Will that the floodgate of My Mercy open upon all mankind. You must comprehend that Divine Mercy and Divine Love are one. These two cannot exist apart from each other--not in My Most Sacred Heart, nor in the human heart. Mercy and Love are My Divine Provision in unison and in perfection with the Divine Will, the Eternal Now."
"Every woe that afflicts the heart of man can be resolved in the Divine Will, which is Love and Mercy. My Divine Heart is a bottomless wellspring of Love and Mercy. But I cannot, and will not, force the sinner to approach Me. He must first, with a repentant heart, approach Me. How I desire to resolve all that distracts the soul from the path of My Provision. I cannot give to you what you refuse to receive."
"During these times the sin of abortion, which opposes Mercy and Love, has altered the course of human and Divine events affecting the future of the world. You do not realize the breadth and depth of the abyss between Heaven and earth. The abyss I describe to you represents mankind's relationship with the Eternal Father; thus the Divine Will."
"The choices that man makes with his free will either separates or unites him to Me. If you choose according to Love and Mercy, you build up the Kingdom of God in your own heart. If you choose against Love and Mercy, you choose sin and Satan's grip upon humanity is strengthened; then you see that your moment to moment choices affect the whole world. Allow Divine Love and Mercy to be your strength, as they will be the foundation of the New Jerusalem. Even now, Love and Mercy herald My Second Coming."
"The greatest outpouring of My Mercy awaits the greatest sinner. All that stands between any sinner and My Divine Mercy is the soul's free will. With an anguished Heart I await his repentance."
"The personification of evil is every soul that does not practice love and mercy towards his neighbor. How My Mother weeps for such as these! With great anguish, She holds back My Arm of Justice. Console Her."
"The answer, then, to all of earth's woes is trustful surrender to Divine Mercy--Divine Love. If the heart of the world--the soul of all humanity--would grasp this truth, you would see an end to moral degeneration, terrorism, wars, both in hearts and in the world, disease and famine, both spiritual and physical. Realize this truth, My dear brothers and sisters. I come to you in sincerity, seeking your welfare and salvation."
"Tonight, My brothers and sisters, you experience the cold. I experience always the coldness of hearts in the world; but you will not have a cold heart if you accept My Mercy. Through My Mercy, accept Divine Love, for I long to lead you into the Divine Will of My Eternal Father."
"Tonight I am taking many temptations far from certain hearts. I am endorsing certain projects, and through God's Eternal Will many hearts will be changed."
"I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Source: ➥