Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, October 31, 2005
Our Lady’s Message to The Remnant Faithful
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to you today to strengthen the Remnant Faithful. I desire that untruths be uncovered, as these are presented to My children by those who are leaders--leaders who have been misled themselves. As Mother and Protectress of the Remnant Church, I cannot allow the true Tradition of Faith to fall prey to Satan's lies."
"Certain practices are being presented to you, My children, as favorable--even Vatican approved. The time after you receive the Sacred Eucharist is the special time between you and the Lord. Remember, in Holy Love we must love God above all else. This means He must be first. After My Son comes into your heart, it is a time for union with Divine Love. The Holy Father never asked you to stand and sing and be united with each other at this special moment of grace. These are all distractions. Do not be tricked into thinking otherwise. Do not relinquish this most cherished time with My Jesus to some avant-garde practice."
"Furthermore, there are certain 'New Age' practices that some dioceses support as generally acceptable--reiki is one of them. Anything 'New Age'--such as reiki, yoga, tarot cards, 'New Age' massages and music--is occult! Do not be fooled because someone important claims otherwise."
"I have promised to you the Holy Refuge of My Heart during these confusing times. I will not forsake you. I will nurture your faith with the truth--always the truth. Your faith in Me will be rewarded, dear children."
Source: ➥