Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, March 5, 2005
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I have come to address those truly consecrated to Our United Hearts. Your greatest enemy is complacency. Do not think because everything is safe and secure in this moment that it will be so in the next. What you see as security--food, clothing, shelter, even finances--is all-fleeting. Your safety and security needs to be the refuge of Our United Hearts. This is a refuge you cannot see or touch--yet it is eternal."
"If you truly believe in Our United Hearts, you will exhaust every effort to pull mankind away from temporal satisfaction and into this Spiritual Refuge. Mankind must step away from pleasing his senses and seek only to please God and neighbor."
"I have come to tell you that the future of the world rests on mankind's respect for one another as creations of God. Without this respect and love of one another, certain disasters are bound to occur by My Father's Permitting Will. I tell you all of this out of the unconditional love I hold in My Heart for each one of you."
"Open your hearts and I will lay bare your consciences. This is the only way to change and to come deeper into the Chambers of My Heart. I am asking you to allow your free will to move in favor of a deeper love for Me. This is the way to peace and reconciliation with God and neighbor. You must desire it in order to will it."
"Apathy and complacency are your enemies as time is running out. Certain plans that are in hearts will be revealed in the world soon unless you take Me seriously. My call to you today is not just for one, but for all."
"Do not waste time questioning the events that are rapidly unfolding at this apparition site. I am sending a multitude of graces so that hearts will change and open to Holy Love. Any doubts you embrace are temptations from Satan to keep you away from Me."
"Allow Me to describe to you how beautiful the world would be if all people respected one another as God's creation. There would be no wars, no abortions or birth control, no pornography or violation of innocence. God would will disease to be eradicated. There would be no crime; therefore, no prisons. Hunger and poverty would be relieved. In short you would be living in the New Jerusalem. Is it any wonder I call you to this? Mankind desires the fruits of the solution--but not the solution."
"Today I have come to remind you that you are children of the Light. As children of the Light, you must help Me to overcome the darkness that lies buried in hearts. I have given you the means to accomplish this which is Holy Love. Please choose this remedy--please choose to help Me in this battle against evil."
"Today We are blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥