Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, September 5, 2002
Monthly Message to the Remnant Faithful
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to you to shepherd each and all into the Divine Will of My Father. For you, there is no other choice if you seek salvation. I tell you solemnly, the more the heart of the world moves counter to the Will of God--the more you will witness unnatural weather, hatred and violence--bizarre diseases and every type of economic crisis. The cities and empires that you build will not withstand that which the world rapidly moves towards."
"Therefore, I tell you, it is each one's duty to choose Holy Love in the present moment. Choose Holy Love for love's sake, not out of fear. Perfect love begets trust in Divine Providence. Trust does not know fear."
"Selfish love is the creation of pride. Selfish love creates a paganistic heart. Such a heart, in seeking its own advantage, abandons moral values in its quest for happiness. The result is every kind of convoluted thinking."
"In every present moment remember that Satan is the father of lies. He can even draw the holiest person off the path of righteousness by making evil to appear good. It is the wise heart that does not trust his own discernment, but wisely evaluates each decision with the measure of Holy Love."
"Once again I warn you that false gods--the gods of money, power, reputation and every form of sensuality--beget false virtue, false peace, and false security."
"But more insidious than any of these is the division Satan causes within My remnant faithful. You must understand that spiritual pride is Satan's weapon to divide and weaken My remnant. No grace is given to you to destroy another's reputation. Therefore, do not judge in the name of discernment; nor should you flaunt any gift you may think you have. True gifts of the Spirit take root in the humble, loving heart."
"Many of My remnant believe I am using them in certain instances when really they are being duped by Satan. The fruit their efforts bear is empty and false, just as the path they presume to follow is endless and without meaning."
"But you will not be tricked if all your gifts, all your efforts and the path you pursue begins and ends in Holy Love. I seek out the little souls that desire to remain hidden--that do not prefer the spotlight. To these I confide the innermost thoughts of My Heart. These souls are the strongest fiber of My Remnant Faithful. These are My prayer warriors, My victims of love."
"Please understand that it is adherence to Holy Love that allows each one to be part of My Remnant Faithful; for My Remnant is bound together with the living cord of Holy Love."
"If you give in to spiritual pride or spiritual envy (which invokes a mimicking spirit) you will surely slip from the grip of Holy Love. These two--spiritual pride and spiritual envy--leave division in their wake and have undermined some of My greatest works. A sign that those may be present in the heart is the soul's desire for self-importance--for recognition--for any gift he desires or presumes he has. This is the point at which the soul stops being My instrument and becomes Satan's tool. It is spiritual pride and spiritual envy that cause the misuse of genuine gifts."
"So you can see how the virtues of love and humility are important fibers, not only in every soul but in My Remnant Faithful as well."
"My brothers and sisters, today I come to inform you that each soul is given a moment of grace in which he knows in the depths of his heart that Holy Love is the path to salvation. He may not know it by name, but he understands the meaning of Holy Love in his heart."
"I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Source: ➥