Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, June 7, 2002
Midnight Service at the Field of the United Hearts; Feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus/ Immaculate Heart of Mary; Our Lady's Message to the World
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother is here all in white with Her Heart exposed. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. Tonight I come to speak to the world with an impassioned plea to return to love. Peace is held hostage by those who serve false gods. I speak specifically of the god of disordered self-love. The fruits of this type of love are pride, ambition, distorted thinking and speaking, fear and terror."
"I do not come to bring anxiety into hearts about future events which hang in the balance. Once again I come to call the heart and soul of the world into the Heart of My Son through My Immaculate Heart. I invite My children to realize that My Heart is ready to prepare the most hardened sinner to meet My Son. When souls are thus prepared they are at peace. They do not seek what is not theirs for they possess all."
"Dear children, your Mother weeps for you. I weep for the ones who are My victim souls and carry the weight of the cross in their hearts. I weep for the ones who choose ignorance as to the path they take. I weep most bitterly for those who hear My impassioned plea to choose Holy Love, but reject it. I am the Sorrowful Mother of all nations and every heart."
"Dear children, the greatest miracle is the heart that returns to the path of righteousness leaving sin and error behind. These are the ones that all of Heaven rejoices for. Each one who comes here receives the grace he needs to become more holy. Many today trust only in themselves--in human effort--in weapons of destruction."
"My children, I have come here tonight to help you to trust only in the grace of My Immaculate Heart for this is a source of power no human effort can match. It is through the grace of My Heart that mankind can discover the evil that lies hidden in hearts before it takes place in the world. But you must pray, My children--pray and ask for evil in hearts to be laid bare. Pray and forgive one another. Then I will protect you."
"Remember always, violence begets violence. When you kill life in the womb you give Satan power both in hearts and in the world. This fact bears out in truth in the forms of disease, terrorism and natural disasters. How much will you suffer before you understand?"
"My dear, dear children, do not be anxious or afraid, for your Heavenly Mother is here and I am listening to your prayers. My precious children, make of your hearts oblations of Holy Love, and I will take your petitions to Heaven. Pray with Holy Faith, Holy Love, and persevere in every virtue towards the end of the terrible sin of abortion."
"I am protecting you, My children, in the Refuge of My Heart, and tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
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