Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, May 5, 2002
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation – 5th Anniversary – Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come once again to tell the world that it is error in hearts which causes every kind of problem you face today. All of these errors proceed from lack of Holy Love."
"These days the future of the world teeters on the brink of disaster. Yet, mankind arrogantly ignores My call to conversion through these messages of Holy Love. Apathy and compromise have consumed the hearts of important government leaders and a majority of the world's population."
"And so, I am calling the remnant faithful whom I have formed in the Heart of My Mother, to arms. There is in the world a grim anticulture of selfish love that we must combat by prayer and sacrifice. Pick up your rosaries and pray for Holy Love to be victorious in hearts and in the world. Holy Love is the victory and the defeat of Satan."
"You must realize, disordered self-love is a spiritual disease which is eating away at the heart of the world and has riddled the heart of My Church upon earth. My Mother, who so grieves the loss of souls and the destruction man calls upon himself, has taken this petition--the victory of Holy Love in hearts--to the holy souls in Purgatory. They are praying with you, along with the Church Triumphant in Heaven."
"I tell you solemnly, the will of man and the will of the world will never be fixed on the Divine Will of God until the disease of selfish love is eradicated from their midst. The cure--the medicine--for this disease is Holy Love. The cost of this inoculation is surrender of self-love. It is only in complete surrender that the world will be drawn back into harmony with the Divine Will of My Father."
"My brothers and sisters, do not be surprised when I tell you that the solution to all of mankind's problems--the problems in the Church and in the world at large--rests in conversion through Holy Love. For what ails the world is a spiritual blight, and the only solution is a spiritual renewal and conversion through Holy Love."
"Today We extend to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
In Defense of the Truth; (Talk given by Maureen)
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