Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, April 29, 2002
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

In Search of the Truth
Jesus: "I am Truth. I know Mine and Mine know Me. I do not lead by confusion, but by Truth. Truth is the light by which I lead. My Truth proceeds from Divine Love."
Definition of Truth:
The quality or state of being true. Loyalty / Trustworthiness / Sincerity / Genuineness and Honesty.
The following talk was dictated to visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle of Cleveland, Ohio by St. Anthony and St. Catherine of Siena, and reflects Maureen's views.
"We live in a very complex and perplexing time--a time when it is difficult to sort out truth from compromise. But Jesus is a God of Truth. He does not want confusion to exist within the Church or within His flock. There are a couple of confusing issues I'd like to comment on tonight."
"No. 1 - We are an ecumenical ministry. Ecumenism embraces all faiths including Catholicism. The Bishop himself embraces ecumenical efforts and made headlines last year by forming an ecumenical relationship with the Lutherans and Episcopalians. Yet we have received information that the Diocese discourages Catholics from coming here because we're ecumenical. I have trouble finding the Truth in that."
"No. 2 - Another area of confusion is the organization called 'Future Church'. How many here tonight are Catholic? How many know what the Bishops' stand on Future Church is? This is what Future Church stands for: women Priests, married Priests, people elect Bishops, and conscience is supreme no matter what the Church says. These concepts are heresy.* (Definition of Heresy: 'The formal denial or doubt by a baptized person of any revealed truth of the Catholic faith. Anyone guilty of the crime of heresy will incur excommunication.') Perhaps the Bishop is dealing with them quietly. We don't know; but my point is that we need to know where he stands on Future Church. In my opinion, such a group should not exist within the Church. Once again, their existence opposes Truth."
"No. 3 - The third area of confusion within the Church is the latest scandals concerning pedophilia. We're told that these cases were mishandled, even possibly methodically covered up. From media reports we're told that the statute of limitations was allowed to expire so that the Church could not be held financially responsible. This leaves us wondering what is most important to the Church - money, safeguarding a sanctimonious reputation, or as it should be, the salvation of souls? Once again, where is the Truth?"
"In my opinion, the role of the Bishop (of Cleveland) needs to change from a distant, absolute monarch over his diocese to a loving, caring father image who cares for the salvation of his flock and is answerable to them. ** (Pope Clement I - 'It is to the humble that Christ belongs, not to those who exalt themselves above His flock. Our Jesus Christ, the scepter of God's Majesty, did not come in the pomp of pride or arrogance, though He could have done so but, rather, in humility.')
"I also believe that the Bishop's concept of us as his flock must be changed. We are not a bunch of mindless sheep that jump at the word 'obedience' under any cost. We are obedient to the one true faith, and all it stands for. But, we cannot support untruths. We reserve the right as children of God to search out the Truth in the midst of confusion regardless of whose reputation is at stake."
*The Catholic Dictionary (Tan Books)
**Quotes from the Saints by Thigpen
(Conclusion of Talk - St. Catherine of Siena)
"My dear friends in Christ: As a practicing Catholic, I believe that the concepts of our faith and the integrity of our Church leaders should not, and must not be obscured by compromise, confusion and hidden agendas."
"Our Lady is forming in Her Heart and in the world the Remnant Faithful, who will remain faithful to the faith as handed down to us through Heaven's instrument, Pope John Paul II. We stand firm in this Truth."
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