Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Tuesday, February 5, 2002
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I have come to speak to all people and every nation about the sin that begets all sin. It is hedonism. This is the lie that Satan has nurtured in hearts so that belief is in pleasure, not in God's law. The soul grasps at the brass ring of whatever makes him happy in the present, thereby making any pleasure the law he forms his conscience around instead of God's law."
"Stop and think of the prevalent sins today: Abortion--because the life in the womb is unwanted, it does not bring pleasure; every sort of crime against the innocents for the sake of momentary pleasure; greed in the business world, and consumerism because money is held as a god."
"But I come to tell all people today that the law of Holy Love--love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself--is the law by which each one will be judged. It matters not if you believe in it, or if you do not believe in it. Holy Love is the basis of your salvation."
"The greatest portion of My Mercy falls upon those deepest in sin. All they need do is turn their hearts towards Me for an instant, and I will flood their hearts with My forgiveness, and draw them to Me."
"Do not make a god of pleasure or of your free will. To do so is to condemn yourself for all eternity. Turn to Me with a contrite heart. Love Me as I love you."
"I have come to you to correct the hearts of those who have been mislead by Satan, and to correct the soul of the world. Do not think that because something gives you pleasure in the flesh that it is good and pleasing in the eyes of God. You must make all your moment by moment decisions according to My law of Holy Love, for when I return the Victory of the United Hearts will come through Holy and Divine Love. There will be no misfortune; souls will understand their place before God. Yes indeed, My Father's Kingdom to come is a Kingdom of Divine Love."
"Today I tell you that a contrite heart is more pleasing to Me than many fervent prayers, many Holy Hours, a rigorous fast or even almsgiving. While all of these are important to holiness, it is the repentant heart I cherish. True repentance rises from a heart of Holy Love."
"When you meditate upon My Passion and Death, you bring to Me contrite hearts. Never fail Me in this, then. Mercy begets mercy. When you give Me contrite hearts by your efforts, I will never fail you in My Mercy."
"We are blessing you today with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
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