Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, January 26, 2002
Saturday, January 26, 2002
Message from St. Thomas Aquinas given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: "Praise be to Jesus. My sister, this is the whole and the sum of sanctification--trustful surrender to the Divine Will of God in every present moment. In this trust is love. In this surrender is humility. In love, humility and conformity to God's Will is self-denial."
"The soul who reaches for sanctity must completely surrender what he wants for what God wants. He puts God in the center of his heart and roots out self. It is impossible for the one who is self-absorbed to reach the heights of this surrender, for he views everything as to how it affects himself. He looks for self-gain in everything. He trusts in himself more than in God, for his love of God is imperfect. His existence revolves around his own welfare and not what God wills for him."
"The soul who pursues sanctification, however, tries to accept all things as from the Hand of God. He sees God's Will in every situation. He understands that God is working with him, drawing him into sanctification. Therefore, he does not see God's Will as a sharp edged sword, but as a blazing beam of light illuminating the path he is called to follow."
"Inordinate self-love cannot choose Divine Love, for the two conflict just as the flesh opposes the spirit. But this Message of the Chambers of the United Hearts calls each one to take off the old and put on the new. This is the essence of sanctity."
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