Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, July 5, 2001
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"Once again I come to address all people and every nation. I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today, My brothers and sisters, the TRUE TRADITION of FAITH is under attack more than any time in the history of the Church. Satan attacks the faith in your heart through the spirits of ambition and pride. But I have given you My Mother as PROTECTRESS (of the FAITH) - (1986 Cleveland, Ohio), and GUARDIAN (of the FAITH) - (August 28, 1988 Ecuador). Turn to Her and ask Her assistance. She will intercede for you."
"I come to caution you about so much anxiety over future events. This leads to confusion and distracts you from the grace of the present moment. My Father holds pre-eminence over every present moment and every future moment as well. Therefore, take every moment as it comes to you knowing that My Provision is perfect in every way for you. You cannot conceive any clever plan that will circumvent My Father's Divine Will. Therefore, surrender the present moment to Holy Love and you will find peace."
"All that opposes love - both in your hearts and in the world - is inspired by evil. This is why nation is set against nation. This is why My Victory must come through Holy and Divine Love. To find this perfect love, you must lose sight of yourself and live for others and God. As long as there is one heart in the world which does not embrace Love, My Victory will not be realized. Then you must see why every heart is so important to Me and every soul Love's conquest."
"Do not look with dread upon any enlightenment of conscience for this is the Light that leads you along the path to Heaven. This is the Way of Perfection. Understand that perfect love is the fulfillment of the law. At this apparition site Heaven grants you such an illumination towards more perfect love. I call all nations here to embrace My words and come into the Chambers of My Sacred Heart."
"Do not allow concerns for the material things to consume your heart. It is like a weed that takes over and consumes your passions. Put love of God and love of neighbor in the center of your hearts. Nourish it with prayers and sacrifice. Then it will blossom and thrive."
The Blessing of Divine Love was given.
Source: ➥