Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Tuesday, November 14, 2000
Conversation with Divine Love
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My messenger, the focus of the United Hearts Revelation is personal conversion in the present moment. Yes, moment-to-moment conversion. The person who claims, 'I am converted. I am holy.' has taken little stock of what is in his heart. The one truly committed to this Message sees clearly his flaws and lack of virtue. For it is only in light of this knowledge he is able to increase in holiness, surrender with a greater effort all weaknesses, and advance in the Chambers of My Heart."
"I am little consoled by the self-satisfied. These are the ones who identify error in others hearts, but are blinded by pride as to their own errors."
"My consolation is in the humble-hearted. Such a one prays to console Me, not because he desires consolation. He does not try to impress others with his holiness. All grace that passes between My Heart and his remains between us."
"I wait for such as these to come to Me. Lonely hours I stand vigil in the tabernacle amidst empty churches. Most who come to see Me carry with them long lists of petitions that they tell Me about, but never give to Me. And so, I listen and watch, but I am unconsoled. You have had pity on Me today and have soothed My Heart. And so, I confide to you My petition - that all of mankind surrender to the spirituality of the United Hearts Revelation. You will please make this known."
Source: ➥