Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, September 4, 2000
Conversation with Divine Love
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to converse with you. In your heart receive the grace to understand. Before time began, I was in the Divine Will of God, for His Will is compassionate and benevolent."
"So, I am here in your midst today asking you to see that each soul was created to be drawn into union with the Will of My Father. Until this time, the way to this union lay obscured. But now the Chambers of My Most Sacred Heart have been revealed to all humanity. The direction is certain and direct. The moment a soul hears the call to conversion of heart, he stands at the threshold of the first Chamber - My Mother's Heart - Holy Love. To the world this journey may seem foolhardy. But to the simple heart it is a path laid in gold."
"My Mother meets the souls who stand precariously on this threshold of conversion and salvation. She extends to them every grace they need to accept Her invitation to enter the first portal of Our United Hearts. She weeps for those who turn away. With a Mother's Heart She calls them back over and over."
"Then there are those who hear Her call and believe, but spurn the invitation along with the unbelievers. The numbers of those who are invited but will not respond are far above those who accept the invitation. Indeed, the threshold to the First Chamber is the most decisive in the entire spiritual journey."
"Every effort is made by Heaven and the holy souls in Purgatory to bring souls through that First Door, for it is that doorway that determines their eternal fate."
"You will please make this known."
Source: ➥