Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, August 28, 1999
Saturday, August 28, 1999
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come as your Merciful Savior. I have come to help My brothers and sisters in their weaknesses. Do not be dismayed when you discover you have slipped from the path of Holy Love. Your falls reveal areas of weakness which we need to address. Trust in My Mercy. If I forgive you, you must also forgive yourself. Unforgiveness, whether it is of another or of yourself, is pride. Not one of you is perfect in Holy Love because of original sin. Therefore, see in your falls the grace to get up and go on with new insight as to your faults. Ask My Mother's assistance in overcoming these areas of weakness. She will pass on to you the grace to recover from your fall and to address your faults. Each fall should strengthen you then."
"Concentrate on overcoming your own weaknesses and do not look critically at others. I forgive others their faults too - not just your own. Be a sign of My Mercy in the world around you and allow Me to be the judge of you and all people."
"I will bless such an effort."
Source: ➥