Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, August 5, 1999
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here in white. There are hundreds of angels all around them, and all around the Lake of Angels. Blessed Mother says: "Praised be Jesus." Maureen wishes Her "Happy Birthday" . She nods. [According to some mystics, this is the biological birthday of Our Lady.] A personal message was given.
Jesus: "I am Divine Love - Divine Mercy - Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I tell you, My Heart is doubly pierced by the twin thorns of apathy and compromise. These evils pervade every walk of life. They are present in every nation. It is through the spirits of compromise and apathy [that] vocations have been laid to waste. Abortion has been accepted. Birth control is not challenged. The Ten Commandments are accepted as suggestions. Governments have legislated moral issues. Holy Love has been replaced by selfish love."
"Here, today, I have sent My Mother with the solution. Through My Mother, I have shown you the way to span the abyss between Heaven and earth. I have given you the means with which each soul can be reconciled to his Creator. It is Holy Love. How easy it sounds. Love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. How few pursue it, even though I commanded all humanity to do so when I walked the earth."
"Surrender to Me and to Holy Love. With your will, come to Me. Each 'yes' you give Me changes the world forever. Do not deny Me your love, for I have loved you through all eternity. I am ready to bless your efforts."
"My Merciful Arms remain yet extended. But it is past time for earth to be reconciled with her Creator. Your prayers, My children, My dear brothers and sisters, extend the hour of My Mercy, and can still change events in the future. But you must pray with hearts steeped in Holy Love. Today We are extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
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