Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, June 25, 1999
Friday, June 25, 1999
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"Let us begin with this dictation. I am your Jesus, born of the flesh. Just as Holy Love sanctifies the mundane moment and makes it worthy in the eyes of God, come to see that the deeper you go into the Flame of Holy Love in the present moment, the more grace I will pour through My Mother's Heart into all your future moments. The more you practice the virtues in the present, the easier the virtues will come to you in the future."
"Therefore, understand that Satan wants to discourage every effort in Holy Love in the present moment. The devil knows all too well that each present moment affects the future. This is why you must pray and recommend your hearts to My Love and Mercy in the present. Satan fears any effort in Holy Love. He knows that Holy Love is his archenemy, as it is the Heart of My Mother."
"If you desire great grace and many favors in your lives, turn your hearts over to Me now in the present. Abundant is My Provision upon those who trust Me in such a way."
"Make it known that I may bless you."
Source: ➥