Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, May 29, 1999
Saturday, May 29, 1999
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus comes with His Heart exposed. He says, "I am Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come once again today to help you understand the importance of self-surrender. Consider the little seed. It is placed in the ground in the hope that it will grow and become a flower. Is this so?" (He smiles because He knows I'm waiting for my flowers to come up.)
"If the environment is favorable the seed will undergo change. It will become a seedling. It will push through the soil and bloom. The seed has no free will to get in the way."
"Now consider the soul. Its environment is important. But more important are the choices the soul makes through its free will. It takes a movement of that free will to surrender those choices to Me - to allow Me to choose what I desire for the soul which is always its sanctity and salvation."
"This is why each soul is created - to be united to Me in Holy and Divine Love. This is why My Mother has been coming to you. She desires all souls, all people, indeed all nations know this."
"I do not promise this path will be trouble-free. Satan, the flesh, and the world oppose it. It is not popular to those who desire immediate gratification. But surrender is sweet and palatable to those who love Me. To these it is love itself, peace and joy. Such souls bloom to their fullest capacity."
"Make this known."
Source: ➥