Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Tuesday, January 5, 1999
Message to All People – All Nations
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother appear out of a bright light. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be Jesus."
Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I tell you that My Sacred Heart throbs with sorrow for the choices mankind is making. Every present moment takes you either closer to Me or farther away from Me, according to the decisions you make. I tell you in all truth, the conscience of the world has been molded by Satan - convoluted and twisted - to make right appear wrong and evil seem good. This is the reason it has become common and lawful to murder the unborn that I created. It is why moral standards have become lower and hearts and consciences have chosen money and power as their gods."
"Ease the pain of My Heart through your prayers and sacrifices. Do not look to the world for solutions, but to Me."
"When you feel the cold air outside [-3 degrees Fahrenheit] think of the coldness people have towards Me in the Eucharist. Cease your disbelief and believe. Have confidence in Me."
"My brothers and sisters, just as I desire that you are prepared to receive Me in the Blessed Sacrament, I am also asking that you be prepared for My Second Coming. The time and the date are unknown to you and known only to the Father in Heaven. Each one is responsible for his own state of preparedness, but I have come to ask you to make your hearts ready through the message of Holy Love. It is My further request that you come deeply into the message of Divine Love that I will be giving you."
Jesus asks that the people hold up their articles and He will bless them. Jesus then blessed all the articles and prayed over the people.
"Make your hearts ready, My children, for I am returning."
The United Hearts Blessing is given.
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