Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, July 12, 1997
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Our Lady of Guadalupe given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"My daughter, let us continue in praise of Jesus."
"The fruits of love are: peace, joy, reconciliation, unity, and compassion. You cannot have the fruits of love if you do not love God and your neighbor first."
"Satan wants you to believe the contrary. Satan does not want you to love God but to love sin; to love self first and foremost; to love money. Satan lies to you by letting you believe these things bring you peace, joy, and all the good fruits of love."
"I come to you asking you to look at your lives. Look into your hearts. See where Satan has fooled you. Then look at your country. See what values your leaders have chosen."
"Realize then, how wide the abyss has come between man and God. Help Me to construct the bridge of Holy Love to span this abyss."
"My daughter, I come to speak to all nations. Centuries ago, when I appeared to Juan Diego under this title, people were worshipping false gods. Today it is also true that the abyss between God and man is the false god of money. Money is viewed as strength. It is fought over and is the root of much evil. You would not have abortion in the world today if it did not line the coffers of those involved. This is also true of child exploitation and many other sins that are an abomination in the eyes of God."
"People see this world as an end in itself, when it is only a beginning. All of these false gods are temporary and serve as obstacles to salvation."
"Further, the world as you know it is passing away. How foolish to cast your lot, then, with what is not eternal. My call to you is to see Satan in all that is temporary. Only with God is there eternal life."
"If your country would resolve the abortion issue and once again rule it illegal, some of what I have predicted would be averted. I cannot resolve this issue for you, only pray that hearts open to the truth."
"I come as the Woman Clothed with the Sun. Praise be Jesus. Pray with Me now dear children for all petitions in hearts here today."
"Dear children, come to realize that God's Divine Will and My Grace are one. Through your prayers, I dispense My grace, that I may hasten the Reign of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary."
"When My Son returns and Our Hearts are victorious, you will be living in a new Heaven and a new earth. Heaven and earth will be united in every heart; then love will reign as uncontested ruler of hearts, nations, and the world."
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother and they extend to us the Blessing of the United Hearts.
Source: ➥