Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, June 20, 1997
Friday, June 20, 1997
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. "My daughter, I come to you as I have promised and foretold. I ask you to have confidence in me now, as I must bring you a special message."
"I come as your Advocate and Mother. I ask you to make this known to all of my little children. The year ahead - this June to the next - will be a year of untold sorrow and joy. Many revelations [made by the Virgin Mary during this century] will be realized. Those who are weak will not understand, just as they fail to see today. The current tribulations and evils in the world are only a prelude of what is to come."
"As I come seeking your reconciliation with God, Satan is at my heel seeking your destruction. The apostasy and heresy, that is in hearts now, will be externalized as never before. But I do not predict to you destruction of the Church. Many will succumb but not all."
"Those who seek the bridge of reconciliation with God - the bridge which is my Heart and Holy Love - will be safe. I speak of spiritual safety, for my Heart is your Spiritual Refuge. Those who pursue their own will shall be easily misled."
"My daughter, you need not defend this way of love and reconciliation. You need only point it out. This is how Jesus taught."
"The lives of many will be altered in this year of grave decision. This year continues under the reign of Jesus, King of Mercy and Love. But coming swiftly is my Son's reign as Just Judge."
"I do not come to frighten but to awaken sleeping consciences. I do not come to satisfy the curious but to change hearts. The privilege of my coming to you is for all nations and all people. All of these can traverse the bridge of Holy Love. They must choose."
"The reign of the United Hearts will bring an end to division. It is time to unite in this victory. It is time to believe."
Source: ➥