Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, April 12, 1997
Monthly Message to All Nations; This message was given in two parts
Message from Our Lady of Guadalupe given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. A lighted cross was in the sky before Our Lady came. She says: "Praise be Jesus. Pray with me now for the needs of all here present today, especially the unbelievers."
"Your mission is now beginning, the unfolding of which is yet to come. I mean to reveal to you the meaning of this Refuge of Holy Love, for herein Jesus confides the peace of the world. Nation shall rise against nation, and nature itself will take revenge against humanity. But in every need, trust that the solution is through my grace and within this solemn Refuge."
"You, my daughter, have experienced Satan's wrath personally. But in his ignorance of all that lies humble before God, he could not comprehend My intercession. Therefore, I say to you, have no misgivings concerning future events. For the future belongs to My grace. I give praise to Jesus in all of this. Remember, your lives and all your possessions are mine and untouchable by evil." (Reference to St. Louis de Montfort "Total Consecration." )
"Now I am speaking once again publicly and to all nations."
"Dear Children, the war of all wars is already being waged. I invite you to realize this. The battle I speak of is being fought in every heart. It is the war between good and evil. Because most do not even recognize the enemy, my Son sends me to you with the Holy Love Message so that you may see where the foe lays hidden."
"Today, too many are choosing the path of perdition. Thus, My Mantle of Protection has been removed from your country and all nations who legislate against the Ten Commandments God has set forth. This means great tribulation just ahead. Know that I remain a Refuge and Protection of the righteous."
Blessed Mother is now here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, and Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. Dear Children, just as the rain has washed the earth clean, today I help you to realize that Holy Love will wash your hearts of all iniquity. My Son has removed most every nation from under My Mantle of Protection, for they do not follow the Divine Will of God in all His Commandments. But I am protecting those who seek the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart with sincerity. And even now I speak to you in the midst of a group of faithful. Such spiritual refuge centers are the balm that soothe My Sorrowing Heart."
"Jesus and I extend to you the Blessing of the United Hearts."
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