Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, February 16, 1997
Adoration Chapel — Cocoa Beach, Florida
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes in blue and white. She says: How appropriate you are here. Peace be with you. Praise be Jesus."
"You see the time of justice approaches." (I see the second hand of a clock on the Host. It is moving steadily along.)
"I come so that you may better comprehend the mystery of Our United Hearts, As the United Hearts are a symbol of My union with Jesus, it is also a sign of My call to all mankind to be united to My Son. My Heart is Holy Love and the path to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is Divine Love. The Flame of My Heart purifies the soul -- in and through Holy Love -- to be united with the Flame of Divine Love. This Flame of Divine Love is the victory of the New Jerusalem."
"No one enters Heaven outside of the embrace of Divine Love. This union is the melding of wills -- the human will and the Divine Will. You may say, 'I do not know God's Will for me in the present moment.' It is Holy Love. Choose this path as you are called, and as I lead you."
"My child, you know the depth of love you hold for your husband. God's love for you is greater still. In His love He calls you along the path of Holy Love and into His Own Heart."
"His Heart is so bitterly grieved for the sins of humanity. Even I cannot console Him. You must make the path known as I call you to do."
"I am blessing both of you now with My Blessing of Holy Love."
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