Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, February 9, 1997
Sunday, February 9, 1997
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

I see Our Lady's face. She is in white and has a crown on Her head. In front of Her, and very large, is the United Hearts.
Our Lady says: "I come to you to define most clearly My mission through you. The devotion to the United Hearts is the core of the Holy Love message. This union represents most dramatically My union with Jesus through Holy Love. The Image also depicts that Holy and Divine Love (which is the Heart of My Son) belong together. Holy Love is the path to Jesus. It is through living and purifying your own hearts in the virtue of Holy Love that I will lead you into the Sacred Heart of My Son."
"Therefore, see and understand, that the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary represents union between Holy and Divine Love. This is the union Jesus wants with each soul. This is why He sends Me, so that I am able to lead you into union with Him through My own Heart."
"You must pray for unyielding hearts who threaten their own salvation by refusing to pursue this path of salvation. You will please make this known."
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