Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, December 12, 1996
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Our Lady of Guadalupe given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

I returned to adoration and Our Lady was waiting for me. She bowed Her head when I came in. She said, "I am glad you have returned."
"I desire you make this message known to all nations on the 12th of the month."
"It is impossible for God to reveal Himself to the proud heart. Therefore, before much of humanity can be reconciled to their Creator, they will be made humble through global warnings, tribulations, and unprecedented occurrences which will make them turn to God for help. Those already converted and consecrated to Me will be under My mantle of protection. The action of grace during these times will bring many to conversion."
"The evil in certain hearts will spread as a contagious disease, leading certain others off track and fooling the universe."
"The greatest threat to the world is mankind's inability to acknowledge God and to understand His omnipotence. Thus he calls God's justice upon himself."
"I come as the herald of My Son's return. Each soul must take heed of what Jesus sends Me to say before time as you know it runs out."
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: "I come to give praise to Jesus. I come to you under this sign and title of Guadalupe to bring notice to My call to all nations and peoples to conversion. Only when mankind is reconciled to God will there be true and lasting peace in the world. Then balance will be restored to nature and to the universe. I do not come to bring honor to Myself but to bring souls to My Son."
"My Heart stands as a burning flame of love ready to consume any soul who draws near. But today (She is now crying), too many hold themselves aloof. Out of pride they do not see their sins and do not love. I am extending My grace here today so that more believe and more begin to love."
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She came with many angels (30-40) that formed a line on both sides of a path of light that She descended upon.
"I come in praise of Jesus. Ask the faithful here to pray with Me for all intentions in hearts."
"Dear children, thank you for answering My call to come here today. I plead for your prayers. Because of your faith I come to you."
"Sadly I tell you that this nation's leaders have chosen to follow a path of darkness. There are many who are being led astray following man's law and opposing God's law."
"Please ask the people to aim their cameras at the Missionary Image [of Our Lady of Guadalupe]."
"Thank you."
"Dear children, I come to you to bring My grace into the world. When My Son returns, He will come not with grace but with His justice. Therefore, I beseech you to follow always My message of Holy Love which is your salvation."
Now Jesus is with Blessed Mother. They extended to us the Blessing of the United Hearts.
Source: ➥