Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, March 31, 1996
Sunday, March 31, 1996
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

From Jesus
"I desire that souls make this Way of the Cross part of their lives. I want them to meditate on My passion considering the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary and understanding My Mother's role as Co-Redemptrix."
1. Jesus Is Condemned To Death
"Consider how Divine Love and Holy Love made Their Wills one with the Eternal Father. Imitate this resignation by accepting trials."
2. Jesus Accepts His Cross
"Through the Divine Mercy of the Sacred Heart and the Holy Compassion of My Mother's Heart, I was able to courageously embrace the cross."
3. Jesus Falls The First Time
"When you slip and fall into sin, My Mother, through Holy Compassion, wraps you in Her mantle and leads you to My Divine Mercy which raises you up again."
4. Jesus Meets His Mother
"Our eyes met and Holy and Divine Love became one. It was Her prayer that enabled Me to go on. How often souls depend on Your prayers. Unite them to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary."
5. Simon Carries The Cross
"Consider the reluctancy of Simon to embrace the grace of the present moment. How often has the present moment escaped you? Too often, you see the cross and not the grace. Place the present moment in the grace of Our United Hearts. We will help you to see the 'why' behind every cross."
6. Veronica Wipes The Face Of Jesus
"Veronica was one with Holy Compassion and Holy Love. She was not fearful to step forward and comfort Me. I left with Her My mark of Divine Love. I desire all souls comfort Me in the tabernacles of the world."
7. Jesus Falls The Second Time
"Through My Divine Mercy - and led to Me through My Mother's Holy Compassion - I will forgive you as often as you fall."
8. Jesus Consoles The Women Of Jerusalem
"Seek the consolation of the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. She will lead you to the greatest consolation of all - spiritual union with My Heart."
9. Jesus Falls A Third Time
"Have you slipped away from Me again? I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Imitate Me."
10. Jesus Is Stripped Of His Garments
"If you are spiritually one with Our United Hearts, the world will hold no value for you. You will use the goods of the world to attain My end. My Mother gave Me Her veil when I had nothing. I ask you to give Me your heart and I will give you everything."
11. Jesus Is Nailed To The Cross
"My Mother's hands and feet were laid spiritually on top of My own. She suffered as I suffered, for love of sinners. I ask you to stand with Her now and support Her at the foot of the cross through sorrow for your sins."
12. Jesus Dies On The Cross
"I died with and for love of you. Divine Mercy and Divine Love are one. Holy Love and Holy Compassion are one. Die to yourself. Live for the United Hearts."
13. Jesus Is Taken Down From The Cross
"My Mother wept bitter tears as She embraced My broken body. Ask Her to embrace you in Her Heart of Holy Love. Then She will lead you to Me."
14. Jesus Is Laid In The Tomb
"I was laid in the tomb, but there is no end to My Love and Mercy. I rose again. Rise above sin through My Mother's Holy Love. Embrace eternity."
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