Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Wednesday, December 6, 1995
Wednesday, December 6, 1995
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

From Our Lady
"Come to realize, My children, that it is not for your physical well-being I come. But I come to capture and to vanquish your hearts and souls with My Holy Love. It is only through Holy Love, hearts and nations will be reconciled to God. Today, Satan engages Me in battle, most especially, over those souls who are consecrated to Me, and who have mounted to a high degree of perfection. He knows, when he conquers one soul who influences many, he wins a great victory. You must pray very much for those who represent and defend the deposit of faith. Some of these hearts have been laid waste by compromise and error, and misrepresent the faith. Do not be fooled by exterior appearances but look at words and actions. My coming to you on the Twelfth of each month, to commemorate My Image of Guadalupe, must be a sign to My children of My maternal concern, My call to conversion, and a return to the faith. When I came to Juan Diego, I came to stop pagan rituals and convert the unchurched. Today, it is sadly no different, only, the unchurched are those who have apostasized. This is no longer hidden but flagrantly open and accepted!"
Source: ➥