Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, May 26, 1995
Friday, May 26, 1995
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady is here in an ivory colored veil and a grayish gown. She says: "I am Mary Immaculate - Mother of Jesus born Incarnate. I come to you now in this season of want and of plenty, to guide you beyond natural expectations, to divine wonders and provision. God's plan continues to multiply in you to shelter the spiritually impoverished in Holy Love, which is the Refuge all must seek."
"The greatest sublime depth of the flame of My Heart is the fifth step of holiness, and last commandment My Son gave while on earth; That is, to love one another as He loved you. This is an unconditional love that embraces friend and foe alike. Those who reach this depth of the Flame of My Heart are in the Kingdom that will come - the New Jerusalem. No longer do I call My children to the threshold of God's Kingdom but to the very depth and interior of this paradise of love. Those who have not become poor in spirit and truly consecrated themselves to the cross, will be unable to pass so deeply into this flame of love."
"My invitation to you is no longer just a choice, but a dictate, if you seek reconciliation with God. There is evil in hearts that threatens unity in the church and peace in nations. You must be the first sign of My call to those around you. Continue to pray, pray, pray."
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