Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, December 1, 2019
God the Father’s Healing Prayer

A new prayer from God the Father to help His children in this time of battle
God the Father added to this prayer in June, 2020. This is the revised prayer.
“I, God the Father am giving this Healing Prayer because I love all My children. This Healing Prayer is needed because of the evil times you are now living in. I am an all loving God but also a just God because you cannot be all loving without being all just.” Love, God the Father of Heaven and Earth. Amen.
• To pray this healing prayer over another person, both individuals must join hands to form a circle.
• To pray this Healing Prayer over the phone, ask the Guardian Angel of the person you are praying for to hold their hand and your hand and ask your Guardian Angel to hold your other hand and the other hand of the person you are praying for in order to form the circle. You will then be tied to them by your Guardian Angels as if you were face to face holding each other’s hands.
• To pray this healing prayer for yourself, join your hands with your Guardian Angel to form a circle (pray as often as needed).
The prayers below must be prayed three times (first for the Father, second for the Son, and third for the Holy Spirit) and each prayer must begin and end with the Sign of the Cross✞ as indicated.
1. Make the Sign of the Cross ✞ and say “In the Name of the Father”.
• As guard and protector, I ask St. Michael to cast back to satan all curses that have ever been placed on (insert Name) and to replace each curse with a blessing.
• God the Father, please take (Insert Name) back into Your heart the way he/she was placed there on the 6th day of Creation when You made all of Your children. o Let (insert name) heart beat with Your heart. o Let (insert name) blood flow with Your blood. o Let (insert name) eyes see with Your eyes. o Let (insert name) ears hear with Your ears. o Let (insert name) mouth speak with Your mouth. o Let (insert name) hands work with Your hands. o Let (insert name) feet walk with Your feet. o Let (insert name) whole body become one with You. o I ask, Father, to return (insert name) to the pureness of the 6th day when You created (insert name) and all of Your children.
• St. Anne, please take (insert name) as your spiritual child beside Mary within your womb.
• Let (insert name) heart beat with your heart and Mary’s heart. o Let (insert name) blood flow with your blood and Mary’s blood.
• Let (insert name) breath breathe with your breath and Mary’s breath. o Let (insert name) be fed with the same milk that Mary was fed.
• Let your healing power and Mary’s healing power flow through (insert name) from the top of her/his head to the bottom of her/his feet.
• Now, Mary when you became the Mother of Jesus and He was in your womb, please take (insert name) into your womb beside Jesus.
• Let your heart and Jesus’ heart beat with (insert name) heart. o Let your blood and Jesus’ blood flow with (insert name) blood.
• Let your three hearts become one just like the Holy Trinity is one with three persons. o Let (insert name) be fed with the same milk that you fed Jesus. o Let your breath and Jesus’ breath breathe with (insert name) breath to bring her/him healing and peace.
• Now (insert name), take St. Anne and Mary as your spiritual mothers and protectors and take Jesus as your God. Take St. Joachim and St. Joseph as your spiritual fathers from Heaven to heal, protect and love you the way God the Father heals, protects and loves all of His children.
• Close the 1st prayer with “Amen” and the Sign of the Cross ✞.
2. Make the Sign of the Cross ✞ and say “In the Name of the Son”.
• As guard and protector, I ask St. Michael to cast back to satan all curses that have ever been placed on (insert Name) and to replace each curse with a blessing.
• God the Father, please take (Insert Name) back into Your heart the way he/she was placed there on the 6th day of Creation when You made all of Your children. o Let (insert name) heart beat with Your heart. o Let (insert name) blood flow with Your blood. o Let (insert name) eyes see with Your eyes. o Let (insert name) ears hear with Your ears. o Let (insert name) mouth speak with Your mouth. o Let (insert name) hands work with Your hands. o Let (insert name) feet walk with Your feet. o Let (insert name) whole body become one with You. o I ask, Father, to return (insert name) to the pureness of the 6th day when You created (insert name) and all of Your children.
• St. Anne, please take (insert name) as your spiritual child beside Mary within your womb.
• Let (insert name) heart beat with your heart and Mary’s heart. o Let (insert name) blood flow with your blood and Mary’s blood.
• Let (insert name) breath breathe with your breath and Mary’s breath. o Let (insert name) be fed with the same milk that Mary was fed.
• Let your healing power and Mary’s healing power flow through (insert name) from the top of her/his head to the bottom of her/his feet.
• Now, Mary when you became the Mother of Jesus and He was in your womb, please take (insert name) into your womb beside Jesus.
• Let your heart and Jesus’ heart beat with (insert name) heart. o Let your blood and Jesus’ blood flow with (insert name) blood.
• Let your three hearts become one just like the Holy Trinity is one with three persons.
• Let (insert name) be fed with the same milk that you fed Jesus. o Let your breath and Jesus’ breath breathe with (insert name) breath to bring her/him healing and peace.
• Now (insert name), take St. Anne and Mary as your spiritual mothers and protectors and take Jesus as your God. Take St. Joachim and St. Joseph as your spiritual fathers from Heaven to heal, protect and love you the way God the Father heals, protects and loves all of His children.
• Close the 2nd prayer with “Amen” and the Sign of the Cross ✞.
3. Make the Sign of the Cross ✞ and say “In the Name of the Holy Spirit”.
• As guard and protector, I ask St. Michael to cast back to satan all curses that have ever been placed on (insert Name) and to replace each curse with a blessing.
• God the Father, please take (Insert Name) back into Your heart the way he/she was placed there on the 6th day of Creation when You made all of Your children. o Let (insert name) heart beat with Your heart. o Let (insert name) blood flow with Your blood. o Let (insert name) eyes see with Your eyes. o Let (insert name) ears hear with Your ears.
• Let (insert name) mouth speak with Your mouth. o Let (insert name) hands work with Your hands.
• Let (insert name) feet walk with Your feet.
• Let (insert name) whole body become one with You.
• I ask, Father, to return (insert name) to the pureness of the 6th day when You created (insert name) and all of Your children.
• St. Anne, please take (insert name) as your spiritual child beside Mary within your womb.
• Let (insert name) heart beat with your heart and Mary’s heart. o Let (insert name) blood flow with your blood and Mary’s blood.
• Let (insert name) breath breathe with your breath and Mary’s breath. o Let (insert name) be fed with the same milk that Mary was fed.
• Let your healing power and Mary’s healing power flow through (insert name) from the top of her/his head to the bottom of her/his feet.
• Now, Mary when you became the Mother of Jesus and He was in your womb, please take (insert name) into your womb beside Jesus.
• Let your heart and Jesus’ heart beat with (insert name) heart. o Let your blood and Jesus’ blood flow with (insert name) blood.
• Let your three hearts become one just like the Holy Trinity is one with three persons.
• Let (insert name) be fed with the same milk that you fed Jesus. o Let your breath and Jesus’ breath breathe with (insert name) breath to bring her/him healing and peace.
• Now (insert name), take St. Anne and Mary as your spiritual mothers and protectors and take Jesus as your God. Take St. Joachim and St. Joseph as your spiritual fathers from Heaven to heal, protect and love you the way God the Father heals, protects and loves all of His children.
• Close the 3rd prayer with “Amen” and the Sign of the Cross ✞.
(Insert name), all you have to do to earn this healing is to go to Confession, give your free will to God, and thank Him for your healing. Then God, who is all loving, just and merciful, will give you healing.
God the Father also said that even though you are healed, keep in mind to take it slow and allow your body to get back in tune as though you are healing from major surgery. Don’t overdo it.