Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Feast of Our Lady of the Atonement

My beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and Earth. It is also the Most Holy Trinity and the Blessed Mother because we are all united together as one. This is God the Father telling you, My son, that the things in your world are critical. As I have told you, everything will continue to get worse. Yes, the hurricanes are going to be severe this year because of the high temperatures in the ocean. The earthquakes will also be severe this year. The food shortage is real and will be made worse because the one world people are buying up and controlling the food.
Keep telling all My children to keep preparing. First, by going to Confession if Catholic. If not, go to a holy preacher or come straight to your God. I have told you that any Catholic who cannot get to a priest can come straight to their Father in Heaven and ask forgiveness from their heart as soon as they can, then get to a priest if possible. That is why I’m telling all My Catholic children to get to Confession now so you do not have to go through the times when it will be very hard to get to a priest in a confessional.
Yes, My son, the earthquakes will keep increasing in size in California and also all over the world. Planet X is now in a position to greatly affect your earth and sun with a magnetic pull that will disturb the weather on the land and on the sea. The high temperatures in your seas will cause much damage to the shoreline and much of your food, from the warm countries and states, will be destroyed.
Be prepared as much as possible with your soul and also with your storage of food and anything else you need when the shelves of the stores will be empty. I am telling you the shelves in your stores could be empty sooner than you think. There will also be a shortage of water so store some water. You have no idea what you will think when you need things from the store and cannot get anything.
I tell you, do not take a chip in the body for any reason, not even death. The chip will control you and you will be selling your soul to satan. My children, I will take each and every one of you if you come to Me and ask for forgiveness. Never follow satan even if he makes it look very good and he offers you everything you want. Satan will only take you to hell for all eternity. Follow Me, your Father in Heaven, because your final goal is to go to Heaven for eternity.
Get to a refuge when you are called if that is what I ask, but if your job is to stand up in your faith and be a martyr, do so for Me and go straight to Heaven. Love, the God of All. I am with you if you just ask Me and I promise I will take care of each of My children in the best way for them to get to Heaven. Trust no man in power, but come to your Father and I will protect you for you are My children. I love each and every one of you. Love, the Father of All.