Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Oasis of Peace Message

JESUS: Little Child of My Sacred Heart and My Son (name withheld) who I love so much peace be with you. The Eternal Father wishes to speak:
THE ETERNAL FATHER: I AM The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The End; The Creator of all things: The Father of the Immaculate Conception, who is the Mother of Jesus Christ on earth. Amen.
My daughter, I wish to Thank all the faithful Prayer Warriors, who requested the Jericho Prayer Walk around the World, and around the List given by Jesus. Amen. All of Heaven participated and your prayers My Children gave us permission to expose evil, stop evil, and redirect many people and events.
I agree with My daughter here, that the list of people, places and intentions can be rolled over into a daily prayer request.
Now you will see events unfold. Amen. The time is now. Prepare for the Great Shaking and the Illumination of Conscience -The Warning. Only I, the Eternal Father knows the time of the events.
Evil is more rampant in the world today than in the time of Noah and the Great Flood. Fear not. When the time comes, My arm of Justice will come in full force.
You My faithful Children are already marked with a Cross on your foreheads as are the Children of those who participated in the call for the Jericho Prayer Walk around the world. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Those marked with a Cross, will enter My Refuges worldwide, Six Weeks after the Warning, and be safe, and I THE ETERNAL FATHER, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT will see to your needs as OUR loved children. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Go now My Children to love and serve the Lord and each other. Amen.